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Yoga Practice Video - Yoga Vidya
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Yoga classes, Yoga relaxation techniques, Asanas, breathing exercises for daily life. Gives you new energy, relaxation and recharges you from within. Produced by Yoga Vidya, Europe's leading Yoga organisation.
Yoga Practice Video - Yoga Vidya
Working to fill the vacuum in Bay City, Michigan left by Madonna's departure, the host dishes up a heaping helping of personal stories, politics, spirituality, and fun. All this, and the greatest in podsafe and independent music. That Blue Jeans Guy is a gay man single-handedly bringing sexy back to Bay City!
That Blue Jeans Guy
Welcome to the online radio home of LSR Talks - podcasts with the purpose of encouraging and inspiring the people of God with practical insight and knowledge from author, life coach and pastor Dr. Lorelle Strong Rich.
Dr. Lorelle S. Rich | Blog Talk Radio Feed
Spirit Talk
Spirit Talk
Coming to you straight from Philadelphia, is the Eating Consciously Podcast! A spin-off of the Eating Consciously Blog, where the focus is on easy, fun, and delicious vegan meals. Ed Coffin, starter of Eating Consciously, will let loose to discuss various vegan topics including, but not limited to: cooking, nutrition, news, vegan experiences, and saving the world! Come, enjoy, have a listen!
Eating Consciously Podcast
The Audio Bible Studies of the Reverend Dr. Gregory S. Neal, Senior Pastor of St. Stephen United Methodist Church of Mesquite, Texas. Join Dr. Neal and a group of members from his church as he teaches on the many various books of the Old and New Testaments. For more about Dr. Neal, visit his online ministry at
RevNeal's Bible Study Podcasts
Slip into the well with Saturn Darkhope
Pennies in the Well
LOVE PRODUCTIONS, INC. | Blog Talk Radio Feed
This podcast is a collection of various fairytales released on creative commons nondervitive and non comercial creative commons licesnse 3.0. Please share them with your family or friends if you liek these stories they are only one third of the material created by storyteller Brother Wolf at
Fairytales Forever Podcast
Героя фильма зовут Шнэк, он не совсем обычный парень и от его компании, ведущей тусовочный образ жизни — модные клубы, девочки и сплошные вечеринки, его отличает одно: Шнэк — мечтатель. Он постоянно удивляется и завидует красивым девчонкам: «Как же им легко живется и все удается благодаря обворожительной улыбке и длинным ногам. Вот бы…».
Но так ли просто прикрывать красивые ножки мини-юбкой и не оказаться в постели закадычных друзей. И вообще, безопасно ли мечтать, когда рядом волшебник ищет очередную жертву, чтобы исполнить ее заветное желание…
Мечтать не вредно
'Back To Goa' is a monthly psy-trance podcast edited and produced by Dj AURORA (North Soundscape / Headroom). The show has been running since Sep 2008 with its unique continuous mixes showcasing the latest and best new progressive, dark and full-on psychedelic trance, and has grown from a small following to over 1500 subscribers per month.
The show is completely free, non-profit making and has a simple mission: to promote Psychedelic and Goa music as much as possible and encourage both established and new DJs to showcase their energies via the bonus mix slots. So if you're a DJ or promoter with a killer mix please get in touch!
For more information on the show and upcoming issues please visit:
Back to Goa
Welcome to the Soul-N-Black show where the goal is to present, get and apply working solutions dealing with a host of issues concerning African Americans. Join me (Soul-N-Black). Peace and Shalom, SNB.
Y!(Yahoo Messenger): soulnblackk
Facebook: Souln Black
soulnblack | Blog Talk Radio Feed
Кинофильмы, произведенные в России или совместно или на русском языке, готовящиеся для канала RIM (Russian Independent Movie)
Буферная программа канала RIM
The Understanding the Scriptures Podcast is composed of 30 episodes with each episode having a length between 72 and 80 minutes. It is a recording of a real Bible study that took place at Saint Mary Catholic Church in Brenham, TX between the fall of 2006 and the spring of 2007. Each episode/class covers one of the 30 chapters in the textbook titled "Understanding the Scriptures," by Dr. Scott Hahn, Ph.D. (this textbook is part of the Didache series). Listeners to the podcast need not purchase this textbook, though it would be beneficial to do so. The course follows the plan of Salvation History from Genesis to Jesus and demonstrates the unity of God's salvific plan throughout the Old Testament, into the New Testament, and even through to today. Presented by Carson Weber, B.B.A., M.A.
Understanding the Scriptures
Welcome to Vineyard Community Church - Virginia Beach, VA!
Vineyard Community Church
Yoga for your Back - 20 Minutes Yoga Class
Yoga Practice Video - Yoga Vidya
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Yoga classes, Yoga relaxation techniques, Asanas, breathing exercises for daily life. Gives you new energy, relaxation and recharges you from within. Produced by Yoga Vidya, Europe's leading Yoga organisation.
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Relax your spine, strenghten your back and abdominal muscles. Prevent back problems and feel recharged. 20 minutes of Yoga for beginners
and intermediate students. Sukadev of Yoga Vidya guides you through the following Hatha Yoga Exercises: Relaxation, Nakarasana
(crocodile), Navasana (boat for strengthening the abdomen), supported Sarvangasana (simplified shoulderstand), Matsyasana (fish), Leg
stretch, Shalabhasana (bird's pose), Majariasana (cat's pose), Shavasana (final relaxation). Demonstrated by Carlotta and Aruna, yoga
teachers at Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. More Infos .Music by Yogi Hari . More Videos on
Yoga for your Back - 20 Minutes Yoga Class
Strengthen your back, prevent sciatic pain, stabilize your legs and hips by practising this side variation of Purvotthasana, the inclined plane. More Variations of this Hatha Yoga Asana on
Side Inclined Plane - Yoga for Strengthening your Back - Purvotthasana
Develop your mental powers with this 20-minute Yoga Class. Synchronize your Yoga Practice with highly effective affirmations. With dynamic Mantra-Chanting with Gopiji. This Hatha Yoga Class is suited for intermediate and advanced students. Sukadev leads you through the following Hatha Yoga practices: Surya Namaskar (sun salutation), Vira Bhadrasana (heroe pose), Shirshasana (headstand), Garbhasana (child's pose), Paschimotthanasana (forward bend), Bhujangasana (cobra), Anjaneyasana (crescent moon), Kakasana (crow), Shavasana (final relaxation) with affirmation on the mental aspects of the Chakras, Kapalabhati. Demonstrated by Carlotta and Aruna, yoga teachers at Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. More Infos . More Videos on
Yoga Class with Affirmations for Development of Mental Powers
A simple and efficient way to relax your back: Do this simple exercise everyday, for example after getting up or whenever your back feels the need to relax and recharge. This dynamic version of Hatha Yoga Asana "Majariasana", Cat Posture, can be practised alone, or after forward or backward bends in a classical Yoga Class. Demonstrated by Yoga Teacher and Yoga Therapist Mahashakti, explained by Sukadev Bretz of
Relax your Back - Dynamic Majariasana Yoga Cat Pose
Yoga for complete beginners. Gentle Yoga Class of 20 minutes. For relaxation, more energy and joy. Relaxation pose: Crocodile Poses to relax the lower back. Shoulder exercises to relax the neck and shoulders. Sitting forward bend for flexibility. Inclined plane for strengthening the back. Spinal twist for good massage of the abdominal organs. Final relaxation to really let go. You will feel full refreshed and recharged. Try it out! Demonstrated by Aruna, instructions by Sukadev Bretz of . Music by Yogi Hari . More Videos on
Yoga for Complete Beginners - Yoga Class 20 Minutes
Yoga for advanced beginners: If you know a little bit about Yoga, you can practice with this 20-minute Yoga Class. Celebrate Life - Enjoy Relaxation and Energy. Sukadev Bretz of Yoga Vidya leads you to the following Yoga exercises (you don't need to know those names - these names are for the experts - you can just practice...) : Surya Namaskar (sun salutation), Sarvangasana (shoulderstand), Matsyasana (fish), Paschimotthansana (forward bend), inclined plane, Bhujangasana (cobra), Garbhasana (child's pose), Ardha Matsyendrasana (spinal twist), Shavasana (final relaxation). Demonstrated by yoga teacher at Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. More Infos . Music by Yogi Hari . More Videos on
Beginner's Yoga Class 20 Minutes
Try out different variations of Garbhasana, Yoga Child's Pose. Find out which of these Hatha Yoga Asanas is best for you. Usually child's pose is done before and after headstand, after Yoga backward bends. You can also do Garbhasana during the day whenever your back needs some relaxation and rest. More Videos on Yoga, Meditation, mantras, with Yoga Classes and lectures on
Variations of Child's Pose - Hatha Yoga Asana Garbhasana
Yoga for complete beginners. Gentle Yoga Class of 20 minutes. For relaxation, more energy and joy. Relaxation pose: Crocodile Poses to relax the lower back. Shoulder exercises to relax the neck and shoulders. Sitting forward bend for flexibility. Inclined plane for strengthening the back. Spinal twist for good massage of the abdominal organs. Final relaxation to really let go. You will feel full refreshed and recharged. Try it out! Demonstrated by Aruna, instructions by Sukadev Bretz of . Music by Yogi Hari . More Videos on
Yoga for Complete Beginners - Yoga Class 20 Minutes
Overcome neck problems and headache by strengthening your neck muscles. Simple and highly effective Yoga exercises for prevention and healing. If you have a manifest neck problem, consult your doctor or therapist before. Do these exercises gently in the beginning, do them 1-2 times per week. Increase the intensity gradually, but don't do them every day. Discuss about these and other Yoga practices and questions on Yoga therapy on . Speaker/camera: Sukadev Bretz . Yogini: Mahashakti . Filmed at Yoga Vidya Germany
Strengthen your neck - Yoga exercises to overcome tensions in shoulders and neck
Develop your abdominal muscles! Practice different variations of "Navasana", the Yoga boat on your back. Be prepared for a more strenous, but very beneficial Yoga Workout. Practice these exercises at least once a week- your back will be grateful! More on Yoga Exercises for your abs: . Demonstrated by Yoga Teacher/Yoga Therapist Mahashakti, explained by Sukadev Bretz of Yoga Vidya Germany.
Strengthen your Abdominal Muscles
Stretch your back and buttocks - release tensions. This twisting crocodile is a powerful exercise for a healthy back, very good for the internal organs. Sanskrit name of this Hatha Yoga Asana is Nakarasana. Demonstrated by Mahashakti, explained by Sukadev. More info on Crocodile Variations on
Twisting Crocodile Yoga Practice
Strengthen your back, buttocks and legs with this Hatha Yoga Asana Variation of Purvotthasana. Side Inclined Plane on Lower Arms. Discuss about this and other Yoga practices on
Side Inclined Plane on Lower Arms - strengthen your back, buttocks and legs with this Hatha Yoga Asa
Learn new ways to come into shoulderstand: Use the wall to come gently into the position and to relax with no effort. Suitable especially for anybody overweight, for pregnant women and those who are a little stiffer than others. Demonstrated by Mahashakti, explained by Sukadev Bretz of
Shoulderstand against the Wall
Strengthen your back muscles with this variation of Purvotthasana - Yoga inclined plane. Instead of supporting your weight on the hands as in the basic Yoga posture, you put your weight on your forearms. This strengthens your back muscles to a high degree. Especially recommended if you can't do backward bends or can't put weight on your wrists. Camera/speaker: Sukadev Bretz, model: Mahashakti, yoga teacher and yoga therapist. More infos on Yoga
Inclined Plane on Elbows - Back Strength through Yoga Asana
Relax your back and shoulders. This special variation of the Hatha Yoga Asana Garbhasana is very helpful for some practicioners, not helpful for others. Try it out! Discuss about this and other Yoga Asanas on . Camera/speaker: Sukadev Bretz, Yoga teacher: Mahashakti
Child's Pose - special variation of the Hatha Yoga Asana Garbhasana
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