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roda e avisa: comentarios soltos de rene de paula jr sobre internet, digimundo, etc
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Welcome to Lounge Brasil Podcast. On this show you will find in every set list a selection of lounge music spiced with brazilian rhythms. If you are an Itunes listener, very welcome to this new show on iTunes Store.
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Perfil de Ricardo de OliveiraCriar seu crachá da Web
Lounge Brasil
DJ's HOME BEATCH - the best on contemporary urban BAILE FUNK CARIOCA independent artists from Rio de Janeiro DANCE MUSIC
----- >>> tracks are either RARE or INEDIT, always CONTEMPORARY -- mainly unavaliable around ----- >>> we aprecciate your audience
The Ultimate in Diversity n' Extremes In E-Music Broadcasting!!! Support the unknown :P!
CORE³ or Cubed Core RADIO SHOW - with AlienAqtor - EVERY THURSDAY through
Experimental E-Music from all times - 50s til' the latest releases:
Digital Hard - Break - Ragga - Dub - Core, Mash-Ups/ Bootlegs, Acid, Hard Electro/ Techno/ Breaks, Ambient/ Minimalism, Concrete Music, Eletro-Acoustic, EBM/ Industrial, IDM/ Braindance, Grime - Dubstep - Sublow, Soundtracks for Horror. Suspense. Sci-Fi. B Movies, BRazilian Experimental E-Music & Lotsa things hard to define.
THURSDAY - Starting at:
8 pm - Brazil & South America.
3 - 6 pm - USA, Canada & Mexico.
FRIDAY - Starting at:
Midnight (0:00) - UK, Germany, France, Belgium, Holland, Spain, etc.
1 - 2 am - Turkey, Latvia, Slovenia, Russia, Lithuania, etc.
8 – 10 am - Australia & Oceania.
(paste it onto your browser and listen on your favourite player: Windows Media, Winamp, etc ;)
A collective chat will be always on with the program, through MSN, add me:
and be on it!
And please keep sending me productions/links from your music projects, fellas!
Send your thougher tracks (actually, hummm, also do it if they are something deep and atmospheric, or bouncy and pure fun) to:
And please keep sending me productions/links from your music projects, fellas!
Send your thougher tracks (actually, hummm, also do it if they are something deep and atmospheric, or bouncy and pure fun) to:
Cheers to everyone who, somehow, SUPPORT THE NON-OBVIOUS, DIVERSE & ORIGINAL works on: music, culture and arts in general!
Programa CORE³ ou Core Ao Cubo, todas as QUINTAS-FEIRAS, com Harlem "AlienAqtor", pelo
Música Eletrônica Experimental De Todos Os Tempos - Anos 50 Até Os Mais Recentes Lançamentos, com ênfase na cena NACIONAL:
Digital Hard - Break - Ragga - Dub - Core, Mash-Ups/ Bootlegs, Acid, Hard Electro/ Techno/ Breaks, Ambient/ Minimalismo, Música Concreta e Eletro-Acústica, EBM/ Industrial, IDM/ Braindance, Grime - Dubstep - Sublow, Trilhas Sonoras de Filmes de Suspense.Horror.Ficção -Científica, Música Eletrônica Experimental Brasileira e outras coisas irrotuláveis.
QUINTAS-FEIRAS - às 20 horas, Ouçam:
(cole o endereço no seu browser e ouça em seu player preferido: Windows Media, Winamp, etc!)
Um chat coletivo estará acontecendo durante o programa, pelo MSN, basta me adicionar:
E fazer parte do mesmo!
E continuem me mandando sons/links de seus projetos, pessoal, quero reforçar a cara brasileira em todas as próximas edições (pelo menos 50% dessa próxima é material de produtores brasileiros)!
Mandem as faixas mais fortes (mas se for algo belo e viajante, também) e coerentes com a proposta do programa! E-Mail para envio:
Obrigado a todos que, de alguma forma, dão força à NÃO-OBVIEDADE, DIVERSIDADE, INOVAÇÃO na música, mídia e artes em geral!
Philosophy is just science's poetic license
connected to the unconnectable;
plugged to the aerial;
changed by the bodyless;
mutated by the temperature;
artist by the wind;
singer by the soul;
composer by the precious rock;
human by the soothing breath...Life is a river you won't cross, you will are the river.
Best mixes on planet Earth. DJs, radio, performing artists, educators, and more. Get a free podcast, share your faves. Only on PodOmatic.
Shantall - A menina que fala pelos cotovelos
Getting to Know Brazil
Set maked for Daniel Lopes from Brazil but in UK now, including oldies great songs, news indie, post punk and more.
listen too bee doo bee doo
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