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"HIP TALK RADIO" | Blog Talk Radio Feed
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"HIP TALK RADIO" | Blog Talk Radio Feed

Hip talk radio is where old school hip hop, unsigned artist, alternative and any other music genre collide! The wreckage left behind is bits and pieces of ear candy for you all to enjoy. We are a positive show and tolerate NO RACISM on any level. We are a talk show that loves to talk openly about life’s ills or get insight from your favorite celebrity. At Hip TALK Radio, we all have a voice – as long as that voice is respectful of us and our listeners. The show consists of Jon, Mike D, Courtney, Carrie, Missy, Melissa and Sunny. All from different backgrounds with different talents and priorities and together, they make the show what it is. Tune in Wednesday nights at 8pm CST for music, talk, skits, and your calls live on the air. 347-215-7564
S. Schutz Management
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