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The LANDSPLOITATION Podcast hosts experimental video and audio documenting the social experience of the human landscape, including but not limited to the spaces of the built environment, vernacular architecture, proxemics, human interaction, and political boundaries. Submissions from independent scholars, photographers, and filmmakers are welcome. To submit, please insure that sound or video is hosted on a public server (such as and email the link together with a brief description of your piece to landscapestudies (at) gmail (dot) com.
EwArt Productions gives you fact-filled and entertaining coverage of works of art, artists, and concepts, all "in just a minute." Hosted by art historian Christopher L. C. E. Witcombe.
Art History in Just a Minute
Contemporary issues in literacy education, reading comprehension instruction and children's literature are featured. This podcast features presentations by Dr. Frank Serafini, Assistant Professor of Literacy Education and Children's Literature at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, on such critical issues in Literacy Education as: Reading Comprehension Instruction, The Role of Children's Literature in Elementary Reading Instruction, Reading and Writing Workshop Approaches, Classroom Discourse, and Literacy Assessment and Pedagogy.
The Reading Workshop
On these video pages, the emphasis is on dynamic visual possibilities in active language systems --possibilities that arise from interactions and associations between sights, sounds, and textures, on multiple scales in multiple locations. These visual experiments in poetry are Video POAMS (products of acts of making) that explore what happens when the visual is allowed to extend beyond visible text, and when the page is not required to be paper (though it may still exist that way). The Limited Fork Video Anthology features examples of some of the forms of poetry that Limited Fork Poetics enables and encourages. Look for video poams from student and other practitioners (forkers) of Limited Fork Poetics in this frequently updated podcast. Visit the Limited Fork podcast to learn more about Limited Fork Poetics and to see video poams by the mother of Limited Fork Poetics. And for the the sounds of Limited Fork, visit the Limited Fork Music podcast. Many of the soundtracks from the Video Poams are available at the Limited Fork Music podcast.
Limited Fork Video Anthology
Chicago Multimedia Works brings you videos created by the University of Chicago Press. Interviews with authors and special features for the books we publish.
Chicago Multimedia Works
Photoshop artist and educator John Reuter has created this Photoshop podcast geared towards the fine art photographers and teachers who are beginning to embrace Photoshop as part of their personal work and teaching curriculum. Less focused on singular tips or tricks it rather attempts to instill a more comprehensive approach to image making and manipulation that relies on Photoshop as its core. To John, Photoshop is as much a printmaking program as it is a photography program. The emphasis is to encourage the viewers to explore their creative impulses through Photoshop technique and develop a more personal vision. These episodes are generally longer than many Photoshop podcasts but the goal is to provide the equivalent of a classroom experience with a more thorough examination of the topics. To see examples of the images John creates and the workshops he offers in Photoshop at the International Center of Photography, Maine Photographic Workshops, Palm Beach Photographic Centre and Santa Fe Workshops please visit To post comments on the episodes visit http:/
Creative Photoshop with John Reuter
Changing Face of Letterpress:
Professor Phil Baines and Dr Catherine Dixon are freelance designers, writers and both teach typography on the BA (Hons) Graphic Design at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design.
Phil Baines & Catherine Dixon
Audio and video podcasts from undergraduate lecture courses given in the Chemistry Department. The audio materials are annotated as "enhanced" Podcasts with full lecture notes, handouts, and linked to rotatable/and or animated 3D models (of molecules, their vibrations, and their molecular orbitals. Requires Java) and to much original literature.
Chemistry enhanced podcasts, Imperial College London.
These are past shows by various students at Specs Howard School of Broadcast Arts
Specs Profile
Dieser Podcast richtet sich an Schülerinnen und Schüler der Klassen 7 bis 13. In regelmäßigen Abständen kann man sich einen Audio- und Videopodcast herunterladen und anhören, bzw. ansehen. Im Podcast wird eine mathematische Startidee präsentiert, die zu eigenem Arbeiten anregen kann. Außerdem gibt es auf der Homepage zu jeder Podcast-Folge ein Arbeitsblatt, das die Startidee noch einmal aufgreift. In einem Forum besteht schließlich für die Schülerinnen und Schüler die Möglichkeit, sich über Fragen und eigene Ideen auszutauschen.
Kreativwerkstatt Mathematik Podcast
Each year, the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference hosts some of the world's most fascinating people: Trusted voices and convention-breaking mavericks, icons and geniuses. These podcasts (also available in audio format) capture the most extraordinary presentations delivered from the TED stage.
TEDTalks (video)
2007年4月24日~5月6日に井の頭動物園にて開催される「Being - いきていること展」。otonoha(子ども達が制作した動物の音声ガイド)、HeartBeat(動物たちの鼓動の音)、animalEye(動物の視点の映像)の3種類のコンテンツを楽しむことができます。これらのコンテンツをiPodに入れて、いきてること展に参加しましょう。
Being - いきていること展
Dan Klyn is writing a book about how architecture is probably a better frame for doing the early-stage strategy and design work on websites than some of the other frames (library science, HCI etc). This podcast includes interviews with architects on these and other topics.
Now That I See It
OOP Java for the AP CompSci A Test
The Apple Education Profiles series includes compelling stories about leaders,educators, researchers, and IT professionals using Apple technology to advance teaching and learning in schools, colleges, and universities.
Apple Education
Tokyo FM Broadcasting Co., Ltd. (abbreviation:TFM, Japanese: 株式会社エフエム東京) is a radio station in Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan. It is the flagship station of the Japan FM Network (JFN).
One of the competitiveness of universities, or how to provide an attractive learning environment for all people to develop awareness of issues, there is perspective. TODAI TV, in those people born in Tokyo, "cutting edge" knowledge was born with the goal of providing.
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Welcome! My name is Philip Seaton. Originally from London, I am an Associate Professor in the Research Faculty of Media and Communication, Hokkaido University, Japan.
Philip Seaton & Hokkaido University
Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab - Research Video Podcast Series
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Founded in 2006, the Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab sets itself apart by emphasizing the creation of video game prototypes to demonstrate our research as a complement to traditional academic publishing. The goal of the monthly four part Research Video Podcast Series is to provide a rarely seen transparency of the research process here at GAMBIT. These video podcasts will serve to showcase our unique mission here to not only the games industry but to academics who still remain unclear as to the nature of video game theory, our particular methodology and the background of our researchers. This will be a monthly series with each episode divided into four parts which will be released together on the last week of every month.
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Featured in Higher Education is an innovative and fun way of learning the Japanese language and culture at your own convenience and pace. Our language training system consists of free daily podcast audio lessons, a premium learning center, and a vibrant user community. Stop by today to learn more!
Learn Japanese | (Audio and Video)
Every week you will be treated to a new Railscasts episode featuring tips and tricks with Ruby on Rails, the popular web development framework. These screencasts are short and focus on one technique so you can quickly move on to applying it to your own project. The topics are geared toward the intermediate Rails developer, but beginners and experts will get something out of it as well. This is the full resolution version, an iPod specific format is also available.
The key to learning Korean is how easy it is to stay motivated to learn the language. At, we provide free lessons, fun video shows, and a store section that will meet all your Korean learning needs.
Talk To Me In Korean is an innovative and fun way of learning the Japanese language and culture at your own convenience and pace. Our language training system consists of free daily podcast audio lessons, a premium learning center, and a vibrant user community. Stop by today to learn more!
Learn Japanese | (Audio and Video)
Aalto University course T-76.3601 Introduction to Software Engineering
T-76.3601 Introduction to Software Engineering (video)
Part of the advanced airway management rotation at the University of Florida
Airway Educational Project » Lectures
A close reading of the text of Karl Marx's Capital Volume I in 13 video lectures by Professor David Harvey.
Reading Marx's Capital (iPod)
Class material from Physics 208 "Electrooptics" at San Jose State for Spring 2009. This podcast will mostly contain recorded lectures in m4a format.
Physics 208
Lecture #1 for AT 414 - Therapeutic Modalities at Chapman University. This lecture includes the PowerPoint notes and audio from the instructor covering the 3 phases of soft-tissue healing, chemical mediators, and factors that impede healing of the injured athlete/patient.
Therapeutic Modalities
Lecture recordings from Physics 268 at San Jose State University. 75 minute enhanced audio epsiodes will be added on Monday and Wednesday nights throughout Fall of 2009.
Laser Spectroscopy Podcast
The Hamilton Institute is a multi-disciplinary research centre established at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth in November 2001. The Institute seeks to provide a bridge between mathematics and its applications in ICT and biology.
In this podcast feed, we make accessible some of the best seminars held by members of the Hamilton Institute, visitors or guest speakers.
Futhermore, it will also contain the lectures give as part of the 'Network Mathematics Graduate Programme'.
Hamilton Institute Seminars (HD / large)
This podcast has various videos. The common thread is that these are videos I have shot. Some are about my hobbies, some are about my family, some may be about education, instructional technology and San Jose State University.
Steve Sloan's Video Blog
A series of short interviews with technical entrepreneurs discussing their views on entrepreneurship and the interrelationship between business and technology. Full length "class room ready" case studies may be downloaded at These interviews and the full length case studies may be used to give a technology flavor to entrepreneurship courses or an entrepreneurial viewpoint to engineering and science students.
UDM-Keen Interview Series (Video)
A channel to help people throughout the world with not only geometry, but other math
Geometry USA (AppleTV)
Every week you will be treated to a new Railscasts episode featuring tips and tricks with Ruby on Rails, the popular web development framework. These screencasts are short and focus on one technique so you can quickly move on to applying it to your own project. The topics are geared toward the intermediate Rails developer, but beginners and experts will get something out of it as well. This is the full resolution version, an iPod specific format is also available.
Brief screencasts on clinical anatomy with specific relevance to EM and hopefully trying to cover CEM anatomy curriculum in its entirety. Nothing if not ambitious
Anatomy For Emergency Medicine
A close reading of the text of Karl Marx's Capital Volume I in 13 video lectures by Professor David Harvey.
Reading Marx's Capital
The Set to Screen Series is your chance to learn about filmmaking from Baz Luhrmann, director of Moulin Rouge! and Romeo + Juliet. Baz and his production team will take you behind the scenes of their upcoming movie Australia--and inside the creative process. The Set to Screen podcasts will allow you to explore on-set still photography, costume design, scoring, editing and more. Please subscribe to receive the most recent podcasts from now through October.
Baz Luhrmann: Set to Screen
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