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Top-Tier Tutoring
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Top-Tier Tutoring

Top-Tier Tutorings co-founders are Michael and Rhonda Rivera. Michael graduated from Seton Hall University with a B.A. in Liberal Arts, Kean University with an M.A in Behavioral Psychology, and Fordham University School of Law with a J.D. Rhonda obtained a B.A. in Liberal Arts from Bucknell University, and graduated from New York Law School with a J.D., magna cum laude. They have seen the value of education in their own lives, and founded Top-Tier Tutoring to assist others reach for the stars.

Together, Michael and Rhonda have taken steps to ensure that all of Top-Tier Tutorings talented tutors have had years of experience within various disciplines. The result? Our clients are partnered with caring professionals who really help them comprehend the subject matter.

At Top-Tier Tutoring, we have a passion for helping students achieve beyond their dreams.
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