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How To Save Money And Live Better Just By Organizing Your Clutter
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How To Save Money And Live Better Just By Organizing Your Clutter

Believe it or not, your messy desk could be costing you serious money every year. Not only does clutter make you feel stressed out and overwhelmed, but it also slows down your productivity. In fact, the average person spends an hour a day just looking for stuff.

So in this 45-minute audio, you’ll meet Elizabeth Hagen. Elizabeth is an organizing expert who does speeches and workshops designed to help people become more efficient. And after you’re done listening to her interview, you’ll know how to manage everything from a messy desk to habitual procrastination.

You’ll Also Learn:
* Simple tips for small business owners that will keep you organized and on track
* Elizabeth’s "5 F" plan for getting rid of the paper pile for good
* How to turn your messy desk into a clean, efficient "Command Center"
* Time-and cost-saving computer tools that will help you offline as well
* Why Elizabeth prefers action cards instead of to-do lists and how to make them work for you
* How perfectionism, procrastination and multitasking actually make you less productive and ways to stop yourself from letting them slow down your day
* What mind mapping is and how to use it to tackle even your biggest challenges
* The strategies and incentives Elizabeth uses to promote her workshops and speeches
* How Elizabeth gets 30% of her audience to buy her products after her speeches

According to Elizabeth, becoming organized will not only bring up your self-confidence, it will also help you take charge of your day and your life. And this interview gives you just the right tools to get started today. More at
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