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Revival Life Northwest
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Revival Life Northwest

The fires of revival are igniting the Pacific Northwest. Revival is more than a meeting, a conference, an is an awakening. If it is an awakening, then it is a precursor for something much more powerful. Revival wakes us up...but we may still be "laying down" spiritually. If we are still laying down, then we do the Kingdom of God no good. We move beyond revival when we rise up (from the laying down, or revival position) to live in the presence of God. Don't be satisfied for just revival, push for more than revival. Revival comes on the second day, but on the third day, He will raise us up that we may live in His presence. In computer terms, we must cut and paste Heaven into the earth. Rather than going to revival, be revival. Rather than seeking the gateway to heaven, be the gateway to heaven.

"On the second day He will revive us, on the third day He will raise us up that we may live in His presence" - Hosea 6:2
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