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TheSailingChannel.Com is dedicated to cruising sailors around the world. We are cruising sailors ourselves, as well as video professionals. We've created TSCC so that we can combine our love for sailing with our desire to produce informative and entertaining videos about cruising. Our videos cover the gear, the people, the boats, the skills, and the places that interest cruising sailors.
NHL Insider Bob McKenzie
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Each week To the Best of Our Knowledge delivers in-depth interviews with nationally and internationally-known guests whose passion for new ideas will challenge and engage. Hosted by Jim Fleming, this interview magazine is thoughtful and penetrating, and features fascinating topics and guests
PRI: To the Best of Our Knowledge Podcast
Public Radio International/WNYC
The supplimental vidcast to Urban Coffee Podcast.
Urban Coffee Vidcast
WNYC, New York Public Radio, brings you Soundcheck, the arts and culture program hosted by John Schaefer, who engages guests and listeners in lively, inquisitive conversations with established and rising figures in New York City's creative arts scene. Guests come from all disciplines, including pop, indie rock, jazz, urban, world and classical music, technology, cultural affairs, TV and film. Recent episodes have included features on Michael Jackson,Crosby Stills & Nash, the Assad Brothers, Rackett, The Replacements, and James Brown.
WNYC's Soundcheck
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Heart healthy recipes from the one-hour, weekly call-in public radio program that focuses on health and lifestyle issues.
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Public Radio International/WNYC
Pepa Fernández hace que los fines de semana sean diferentes en la radio. NO ES UN DÍA CUALQUIERA mantiene una temporada más sus valores de siempre: el amor por el lenguaje, la recuperación de canciones olvidadas, la tertulia sosegada en torno a temas que sobreviven a la actualidad... Y llega a su undécima temporada con varias novedades. Se incorpora José Antonio Labordeta en un espacio compartido con José María Íñigo. Y, además, el humor estará más presente que nunca con Juan Carlos Ortega y Florentino Fernández, 'Flo'. Siempre con el oído atento a las opiniones y los comentarios de los 'escuchantes', en el programa continuarán las voces de José Mª Íñigo, Forges, Pancracio Celdrán, Nieves Concostrina, José Ramón Pardo, Manuel Campo Vidal, Álex Grijelmo, Pilar García Mouton, Màrius Serra, Josto Maffeo, Manuel Toharia, José Juan Toharia, Joaquín Araujo... Y las opiniones de José Antonio Marina, Mª Jesús Álava, José Antonio Segurado, Pedro Subijana, Núria Ribó, Rosa María Mateo y Daniel Samper, entre muchos otros. Pepa Fernández ha sido distinguida con el Premio Ondas 2008 a la Trayectoria Profesional "por hacer una radio abierta, plural, no excluyente, entretenida, culta y en la que lo tradicional y lo nuevo se abrazan con sorprendente coherencia". También tiene en su haber dos Micrófonos de Plata, la Antena de Oro, el Premio de Radio de Cambio 16 y el Premio Periodístico El Cava, entre otros. El programa ha sido galardonado con el Premio Ondas 2003 al Mejor programa de radio de difusión nacional, además del Premio Pica d'Estats, concedido por la Diputación y el Patronato de Turismo de Lleida, al Mejor Trabajo de Radio por la emisión que en julio de 2007 se hizo desde Cervera.
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CBC Radio's Laugh out Loud is Canada's new home for comedy. Every week host Sabrina Jalees features the best and funniest comics in the business. Recorded at festivals and comedy clubs across the country, LOL is the show to hear to stay on top of the Canadian comedy scene. From the famous to the found, LOL will bring you the funny every week.
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The Podcasters Studio is focused on getting you started podcasting, the right way!
Each episode provides a lesson on how to podcast and offers tips that you can use right now. TPS is also focused on getting your show to sound and look it's best, all on a budget. You don't need to be a pro to sound and look like one.
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Fresh Air from WHYY, the Peabody Award-winning weekday magazine of contemporary arts and issues, is one of public radio's most popular programs. Hosted by Terry Gross, the show features intimate conversations with today's biggest luminaries.
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TV pundits discuss politics in a vacuum. Cable news tells you everything is 'breaking news' but in most cases, events have long roots in history. In this podcast, we smash and bash the politics of today with a healthy dose of history - bringing you a better understanding of politics.
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There's no better way to prepare for your weekend than by spending a couple of hours with "Los Cuatro Borrachos" (R. Scott Bolton, Doug Bolton, Keith Guyotte and John DeRuvo) on The Friday Shot Day Show. It's just four guys sitting around, shooting the breeze, drinking some beer, sampling some new liquors and flipping each other some crap. After a long week at work, this show will get you ready for the weekend!
The Friday Shot Day Show
25 years ago. Don't really remember what happened? Or maybe you weren't even around then. Each month, NPR Playback combs the NPR radio archives to connect past with present. Hosted by Kerry Thompson.
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A podcast for fans of author Karen Marie Moning. We'll chat about her novels and characters as well as Moning Maniac fans, and other romance literature.
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