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Las noticias de una manera ágil y veraz, sólo en Mosaico Informativo. El análisis y el punto de vista a través de EntrelíneasTV, porque la realidad también se ve.
MosaicoTV en lÃnea
There is no content in Español. Instead showing content in English.
Contemporary oral surgery and dental implant principles to raise global awareness, increase knowledge, understand treatment options, and help people make better decisions regarding their oral health.
Dr. Kazemi: Dental Implants & Oral Surgery Current
Kerr Podcast Center is your visual source for learning about new dental techniques and products! Watch How-To demonstrations of many different Kerr products. And check back often, we’re always adding new content.
Kerr Podcast Center
The SybronEndo Podcast Central is an online endodontic resource for products and techniques. You can watch clinician’s testimonials, how-to videos and product demonstrations of SybronEndo’s most popular items. SybronEndo, the leader in endodontic innovation, offers a complete line of files, obturation equipment, diagnostic equipment and ultrasonic’s that will help you be successful in all your root canal therapy procedures.
SybronEndo Podcast Center
The EUP presents educational insight into different ultrasound techniques and possibilities. Take your emergency medicine practice to a new level today!
Ultrasound Podcast
This is the official video podcast of Joe Chaffin, MD (also known as the Blood Bank Guy). This version is designed for those who like to experience presentations in slide form, and can be viewed on your computer or on a portable device with video capability. An audio version is available elsewhere in the iTunes podcast directory. Every month or two, Dr. Chaffin will will take a single topic in blood banking and transfusion medicine and break it down in 45 minutes to an hour or so. The handout for each podcast is available at
Blood Bank Guy Video Podcast
In which a young surgeon-in-training reflects on his adventures.
Dashing MD
Podmedics was setup by Dr Ed Wallitt in 2008 with the aim of producing high quality educational podcasts for undergraduates. All the Podmedics podcasts are aimed specifically at medical students, and outline key principles and concepts. They allow material encountered in the lecture theatre and hospital to be better understood, and ultimately recalled.
Video podcasts for medical finals revision. These podcasts are video powerpoint mini-lectures aimed at students preparing for finals. They will also be useful for medical undergraduates at other stages of the course.
For exam-style practice EMQs in surgery, get a copy of Get Ahead:100 EMQs in Surgery (published by Royal Society of Medicine, out now)
Revision for Medical Finals
The premier Infectious Diseases remote learning resource on the web! Enjoy over 70 hours of video presentations for medical students, residents, and other health professionals.
USF Division of Infectious Diseases Podcasts
Looking for dental tips and techniques on direct and indirect restoration? Axis Podcast Center will help simplify your dental procedures and show you new ways to work with today’s most popular materials! Check back often for time saving ideas you can use in the operatory and lab.
Axis Dental Podcast Center
Information provided by SCCM to the Critical Care Community of medical professionals
SCCM VodCast - iCritical Care
UCTV delivers documentaries, faculty lectures, cutting-edge research symposiums and artistic performances from each of the ten UC campuses.
UCTV Video Podcasts
The Boomer Esiason Foundation has launced a series of brief videos - "Jerry Cahill's CF Wind Sprints"-answering the cystic fibrosis community's questions about living with CF.
Jerry Cahill's CF Wind Sprints
This series contains CDC podcasts with general information about diabetes.
Diabetes-General (Video)
Weekly studio video from the makers of the MedicCast. Host Jamie Davis, the Podmedic chimes in on issues, news, and current trends in emergency medical services (EMS) for EMT's and paramedics. Each show is recorded on video during the weekly podcast episodes.
MedicCast EMS Studio Video
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