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Fostering Student Success on the OAT-Reading, Grades 5-7: Reading and Writing Informational Text provides classroom teachers, literacy and curriculum specialists, and other leaders in English language arts education with instructional strategies for supporting student success with informational texts in the classroom and on the Ohio Achievement Test-Reading. Watch webcasts that present 30-minute panel discussions exploring the teaching-learning implications sample OAT items, student responses, and ELA content standards suggest in relation to the reading and writing of informational text. Use the webcast viewing guide to initiate or continue professional dialogue and instructional planning on enhancing literacy in your school or district. In addition, take advantage of the webcasts’ mini-collections--small sets of ORC resources containing additional instructional examples, lesson ideas, and supplemental resource materials. Lastly, use the reference bibliographies provided for further information and reflection on effective teaching with informational texts.
Fostering Student Success on the OAT-Reading, Grades 5-7
Learn ESL Business English anywhere, anytime with Business English podcasts and online learning resources from
Business English Pod :: Learn Business English Online
Transparent Language's Portuguese Blog podcast, featuring great articles on topics such as the Portuguese language, slang, grammar, vocabulary, Brazilian culture, music, art and film and much more!
Portuguese Blog
Los videos están para complementar el contenido del podcast "Desde el baño": temas relacionados con el vocabulario y expresiones de la Argentina. Empezaron siendo parte de él, pero decidà subirlos por separado. Perdonen la calidad, hago lo que puedo con la cámara digital que tengo.
Videos (Desde el baño)
This podcast is for intermidiate learners and beginers.I will be very glad to hear from you that it helps your learning. Also, any suggestions and questions about this podcast will be appreciated.
Learn Korean
A picture says a thousand words, and at 15 frames a second we're going to be saying a lot!!! Being the only true international language, body language is key to communication, and in this videocast, you can see the body movements that go along with the Japanese. In the video version, the same great staff from (podcast version) bring you basic and practical Japanese with subtitle's in Romaji (Roman alphabet), Hiragana (Japanese alphabet) and Kanji (Chinese characters). These videocasts are designed in tandum with our podcasts to consolidate the audio lessons!
Learn Japanese | (Video)
This is a podcast to provide extra support to our Latin classes.
Lingua Latina
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Learn French With Alexa
French for BeginnersFrench with Alexa Lesson 1 is presented by the talented Alexa Polidoro from After many years of developing and harnessing her language-teaching skills with The French Ecole, Alexa has now created an audio treat for people who wish to learn a new language from scratch, without any pressure, in fun, relaxed, and manageable chunks. Highlights of Lesson 1 include: an introduction to the class format and some basic vocabulary; how to say how you are and where you live; talking about the weather; a small quiz; and a French song. Visit for more great language-learning audio for adults and children.
French with Alexa - Lesson 1
French for BeginnersFrench with Alexa Lesson 1 is presented by the talented Alexa Polidoro from After many years of developing and harnessing her language-teaching skills with The French Ecole, Alexa has now created an audio treat for people who wish to learn a new language from scratch, without any pressure, in fun, relaxed, and manageable chunks. Highlights of Lesson 1 include: an introduction to the class format and some basic vocabulary; how to say how you are and where you live; talking about the weather; a small quiz; and a French song. Visit for more great language-learning audio for adults and children.
French with Alexa - Lesson 1
French for Beginners.
French with Alexa Lesson 14 is presented by the talented Alexa Polidoro from
After many years of developing and harnessing her language-teaching skills with The French Ecole, Alexa has now created an audio treat for people who wish to learn a new language from scratch, without any pressure, in fun, relaxed, and manageable chunks.
Highlights of lesson 14 include: some more useful vocabulary; translation and analysis of a text; asking questions with "interrogative adverbs"; and all the usual bits and bobs.
Visit for more great language-learning audio for adults and children.
French with Alexa - Lesson 14
Support sheet for lesson 14
Support sheet for lesson 14
French for Beginners.
French with Alexa Lesson 13 is presented by the talented Alexa Polidoro from
After many years of developing and harnessing her language-teaching skills with The French Ecole, Alexa has now created an audio treat for people who wish to learn a new language from scratch, without any pressure, in fun, relaxed, and manageable chunks.
Highlights of lesson 13 include: a listening comprehension exercise; a look at "possessive adjectives": how to say "my", "his", "your", etc; different ways of asking questions; and all the usual bits and bobs.
Visit for more great language-learning audio for adults and children.
French with Alexa - Lesson 13
Support sheet for lesson 13
Support sheet for lesson 13
French for Beginners.
French with Alexa Lesson 12 is presented by the talented Alexa Polidoro from
After many years of developing and harnessing her language-teaching skills with The French Ecole, Alexa has now created an audio treat for people who wish to learn a new language from scratch, without any pressure, in fun, relaxed, and manageable chunks.
Highlights of lesson 12 include: conjugation, conjugation, conjugation!; first group verb, aimer (to like/love), and third group verb, faire (to do); What do you do?; activities with the verb faire.
Visit for more great language-learning audio for adults and children.
French with Alexa - Lesson 12
Support sheet for lesson 12
Support sheet for lesson 12
French for Beginners.
French with Alexa Lesson 11 is presented by the talented Alexa Polidoro from
After many years of developing and harnessing her language-teaching skills with The French Ecole, Alexa has now created an audio treat for people who wish to learn a new language from scratch, without any pressure, in fun, relaxed, and manageable chunks.
Highlights of lesson 11 include: Quelle heure est-il?; telling the time in French; what is an "infinitive" verb?; more grammar fun; conjugating an infinitive verb ending in "er" (in the present tense).
Visit for more great language-learning audio for adults and children.
French with Alexa - Lesson 11
Support sheet for lesson 11
Support sheet for lesson 11
French for Beginners.
French with Alexa Lesson 10 is presented by the talented Alexa Polidoro from
After many years of developing and harnessing her language-teaching skills with The French Ecole, Alexa has now created an audio treat for people who wish to learn a new language from scratch, without any pressure, in fun, relaxed, and manageable chunks.
Highlights of lesson 10 include: Is your country masculine, feminine, or plural?; I've got a headache and other ailments; You can say "the cat is on the table" but can you say "the cat is NOT on the table"?: an introduction to negations in French.
Visit for more great language-learning audio for adults and children.
French with Alexa - Lesson 10
Support sheet for lesson 10
Support sheet for lesson 10
French for Beginners.
French with Alexa Lesson 9 is presented by the talented Alexa Polidoro from
After many years of developing and harnessing her language-teaching skills with The French Ecole, Alexa has now created an audio treat for people who wish to learn a new language from scratch, without any pressure, in fun, relaxed, and manageable chunks.
Highlights of lesson 9 include: more basic vocabulary; how to construct larger numbers; introduction to ordinal numbers; and using prepositions to build sentences.
Visit for more great language-learning audio for adults and children.
French with Alexa - Lesson 9
Support sheet for lesson 9
Support sheet for lesson 9
French for Beginners.
French with Alexa Lesson 8 is presented by the talented Alexa Polidoro from
After many years of developing and harnessing her language-teaching skills with The French Ecole, Alexa has now created an audio treat for people who wish to learn a new language from scratch, without any pressure, in fun, relaxed, and manageable chunks.
Highlights of lesson 8 include: more basic vocabulary; conjugation of the verb aller (to go); aller in practice; and the different ways of saying 'to the' in French.
Visit for more great language-learning audio for adults and children.
French with Alexa - Lesson 8
Support sheet for lesson 8
Support sheet for lesson 8
French for Beginners.
French with Alexa Lesson 7 is presented by the talented Alexa Polidoro from
After many years of developing and harnessing her language-teaching skills with The French Ecole, Alexa has now created an audio treat for people who wish to learn a new language from scratch, without any pressure, in fun, relaxed, and manageable chunks.
Highlights of lesson 7 include: more basic vocabulary; the notion of feminine and masculine; et les membres de ma famille (members of my family).
Visit for more great language-learning audio for adults and children.
French with Alexa - Lesson 7
Support sheet for lesson 7
Support sheet for lesson 7
French for Beginners.
French with Alexa Lesson 6 is presented by the talented Alexa Polidoro from
After many years of developing and harnessing her language-teaching skills with The French Ecole, Alexa has now created an audio treat for people who wish to learn a new language from scratch, without any pressure, in fun, relaxed, and manageable chunks.
Highlights of lesson 6 include: more basic vocabulary; the seasons; conjugation of the auxiliary "to be"; and how to say your age.
Visit for more great language-learning audio for adults and children.
French with Alexa - Lesson 6
Support sheet for lesson 6
Support sheet for lesson 6
French for Beginners
French with Alexa Lesson 5 is presented by the talented Alexa Polidoro from
After many years of developing and harnessing her language-teaching skills with The French Ecole, Alexa has now created an audio treat for people who wish to learn a new language from scratch, without any pressure, in fun, relaxed, and manageable chunks.
Highlights of Lesson 5 include: some more basic vocabulary and numbers; conjugation revision of the verb "to have"; and building sentences in order to describe yourself.
Visit for more great language-learning audio for adults and children.
French with Alexa - Lesson 5
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Learn French With Alexa
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