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Shot on location in settings ranging from backyards and kitchens to parks and marinas, Cooking Solutions shows you, in easy step-by-step visuals, how to cook great tasting food. The show covers full recipe cooking as well as short "tips" on the preparation of meat, fish and sauces for easy, flavorful cooking. In the "on-the-road" segments, Chef John Engelhorn takes you into local markets and explains how to select the right cuts of meat, the freshest fish and the best vegetables for many different dishes. From "decks to docks," Cooking Solutions is a visual smorgasbord.
Cooking Solutions by Kenyon
HOW TO: Record Drums is the premier training video podcast for getting the most out of your Drum Recordings. Geared toward the musician, hobbyist, and aspiring recording engineer---this series delivers concise info from the basics to more advanced tips, opinions, and techniques. Look for future HOW TOs featuring guest engineers presenting unique insights on how they get "THAT" sound. Rock on! For the full length tutorials including larger 16x9 screen sizes, added content, special features, and optional mobile phone feeds, check out the HOW TO: Record Drums -PREMIUM Bundles at
HOW TO: Record Drums-TIPs
An all-inclusive subscription feed for all of Zoom In Online's podcast series, offering exclusive access to the latest in creative culture, entertainment and technology. For more podcasts, videos and blog commentary surrounding the world of Film & Video, Music & Audio, Photography & Design and Web & Interactive, visit us online at
Zoom In Online's Featured Podcasts
Vincent convie les gourmands dans sa cuisine pour les inspirer avec ses recettes faciles qui mettent l'eau à la bouche. Un chef décontracté qui a troqué sa toque pour partager le plaisir d'une bonne bouffe en toute amitié. Regarder c'est déjà goûter !
Le Casse croûte (Video)
Directed towards the decorative painting and faux finishing community, this show brings you "how to's", information on products in the market place, and plenty of usefull tips and tricks. Board members of the Professional Decorative Painters Association, who are industry leaders, contribute to this podcast. Also, all PDPA members are encouraged to submit their own videos. For more information contact the PDPA at
The Professional Decorative Painter's Podcast
This is the first in our exciting 'Insight Training Series' covering the key skills of Photography from concept to execution. This DVD film addresses the essential elements and asks you to look beyond the lens and pre-visualise images in your mind before pressing the shutter. Lots of expert and common sense hints & tips to help you develop quickly.
Special Offer 50% discount: Composition One – Back to Basics podcast series…
Just £12 to members! To take advantage of this discount package, use Coupon Code “146D2C24B4″ when adding Composition One to your Shopping cart.
* Do you want to improve your understanding of how to achieve great composition?
* Would you like to understand the concept of pre-visualisation?
* Do you sometimes grapple with why a composition isn’t coming together, maybe due to bad geometry or other issues?
We invite you to sit back and relax and, with Martins expert guidance, lead you through a short series of podcasts on composition basics.
Introduction, The Basics, Previsualisation: Imaging by design, Kit, Clothing, props & accessories, Location recce, Test Shots: Angles & distraction, Dissemination: Test Shots, Shoot 1: Props & posing, Dissemination: Colour & reparation, Shoot 2: Ripples & refraction, Dissemination: Positive & negative space, Shoot 3: Letting your shoot evolve, Dissemination: Unifying the elements, Shoot 4: Geometry, tones & texture, Dissemination: Composition in-camera, Shoot 5: Dynamics & shadow play, Dissemination: Isolating your subject, Shoot 6: Improvisation, Dissemination: Illumination, Preview, links & credits
Composition One - Back to Basics
A Celebration of Women, the Sacred Feminine and the Right Brain
Guiding Women to their Strength as Leaders
Leading Men to Strength without Armor
In Our Right Minds
Identity Theft from Inmates Running The Prison
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Are the inmates running the prison when access to computers
by convicted criminals leads to the identity theft of innocent
As a follow up to our popular series on identity theft...
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Identity Theft Secrets
From the "can't believe its true" file: No one under the age of 18
can legally purchase a home. However, a four year old baby as
well as hundreds of other minors managed to provide
tax payer...
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4 Yr Old & Kids Get $4 Million in Tax Credits to Buy Homes
In Nashville, the local government is providing no cost
identity theft protection to 337,000 registered voters
as a result of a December 24th theft of two laptops
from the Davidson County Election...
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Stolen Laptop Identity Theft Leads to Free Debix Protection
In a law originally slated to take effect 11/1/2008, the F.T.C. has again
delayed the beginning of enforcement for a third time. The latest delay
gives identity theft criminals an additional 90 days...
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Identity Theft Criminals Get 3 More Months Delay In Red Flags
In Nashville, the local government is providing no cost
identity theft protection to 337,000 registered voters
as a result of a December 24th theft of two laptops
from the Davidson County Election...
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Stolen Laptop Identity Theft Leads to Free Debix Protection
In a sign of the financial services industry turmoil has created
fertile ground for identity theft by insiders, a major identity
theft fraud ring was recently uncovered that stole over $1.4
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$1.4 million Identity Theft Fraud Ring Recruited Bank Employees
In one of the more exhaustive studies we've seen lately,
Verizon Business Security concluded "nearly nine out of 10
breaches were considered avoidable if security basics had
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Verizon Claims 9 of 10 Corporate Security Breaches Avoidable
For the Buzz from the latest Id Theft Secrets Blog
updates, get the free widget to place on your website
or start page.
Help stop identity thieves from operating from behind the
dark veil of...
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Latest Buzz on Id Theft Secrets
Ever resourceful in continuing to extend the reach of their
criminal activities, the newest threat now comes from text
messaging by identity thieves.
This alert to our subscribers is part...
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ID Theft Via Text Messaging
Identity theft rose nearly 50% during the period of 2007 - 2008 and
continues to be one of the fastest growing forms of crime in America.
With the recent melt down and ensuing turmoil within the...
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Id Theft Rising Out of Control
With the new year's first major security breach, CheckFree issued
a consumer disclosure recently warning more consumers were
negatively impacted than originally thought.
Computer hackers operating...
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5 Million CheckFree Consumers Warned Against Identity Theft Exposure
Last year over 35,000,000 personal data records were exposed via
656 separate security breaches representing a 47% increase from
According to a recently released study by the ITRC, the...
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35 Million Data Records Exposed in 2008 to Identity Theft
When a test server was made accessible to the internet for over two
weeks, Google's indexing service inadvertently made available online
the highly sensitive personal data a quarter of a million...
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Florida Security Breach Exposes 250,000 Consumer's Social Security Numbers
In Texas, a recently reported laptop theft has resulted in the issuance
of a consumer warning notifying an additional 100,000 patients who
had limited information stored on the computer.
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Missing Baylor Laptop Exposes Patients to Identity Theft
Are the inmates running the prison when access to computers
by convicted criminals leads to the identity theft of innocent
As a follow up to our popular series on identity theft...
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Identity Theft from Inmates Running The Prison
Over the years, we've shared with you a number of bizarre
examples of identity theft. This latest case just in from the
I can't believe it really happened file adds a whole new...
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Woman Steals Daughter's Identity To Become High School Cheerleader
As a follow up to our original 2007 story on
the Identity "Theft to the Maxx" large scale
data breach effecting 40 million consumers,
a federal court this past week charged a fraud
gang responsible...
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Feds Indict 11 in Biggest Ever Identity Theft Case
This just in from the "when will they ever learn" file.
The Bank of New York (BNY Mellon) waited 8 weeks
after the Connecticut legal requirement to inform the
public of this very serious data loss...
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BoNY 4.5 Million Consumer's Data Loss
In response to dares posed by the CEO of Lifelock, an
Arizona firm which has run ads featuring his Social
Security Number (SSN), an instance of identity theft
fraud was successfully perpetrated...
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Identity Theft Hits Lifelock CEO From His Own Ads
Two former Vice Presidents of LendingTree are alleged to
have stolen customer passwords which subsequently allowed
up to 5 home loan lenders to gain unauthorized access to
sensitive consumer...
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LendingTree Sues over Data Breach
In a bizarre twist to two cases of identity
theft, one perpetrator faces a life sentence
while another has their previous conviction
over turned by the courts.
Maryland's highest court...
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Identity Theft Justice Extremes
Consumers really have no reliable way to determine
the relative safety of their business and banking
relationships against identity theft. With the lack
of widely available public information...
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Identity Theft Ranking of Corporate America
Total 29
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Identity Theft Secrets
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