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Join Dave Delaney and Tim Coyne as they discuss, debate and engage in thought provoking conversations about nothing specific scripted by YOU. Each episode, Dave and Tim will begin by chatting about nothing in general. Suddenly you may realize our script is based on your tweets! Episodes will feature guest Twitter users without their knowledge. The tweets created by you on Twitter will be incorporated into the dialogue of the show. Hilarity will ensue!
A show about geeks, by geeks, for geeks. This Week in Geek covers everything you need, from comics, games, movies, music and TV! Join the TWiG crew as they walk you through the latest happenings in the world of geekdom. Give the guys some feedback at and check out their website for more exclusive content, including reviews, interviews, giveaways and more! Catch the geeks hacking the frequency at CRNC 90.1FM 'The Heat' every Friday morning from 9:30am to 10:30am EST.
This Week in Geek - A geek media network for geeks, by geeks! Comics, Games, Movies, Music, and TV WE'VE GOT EVERYTHING YOU NEED!
Decoder Ring Theatre presents new stories and characters inspired by the classic broadcasts of the Golden Age of Radio. The crimebusting exploits of The Red Panda - Canada's Greatest Superhero! The mystery of that hardest-boiled of detectives, Black Jack Justice... all this and more in full-length, full-cast recordings.
Decoder Ring Theatre
Here we have the opportunity to spread stories through the theatre of the mind All across the cyber bi-ways and radial beacons We are inclusive. We are eclectic. We are collective. Join the Society today!
The Sonic Society
Learn how your mind,your emotional intensity, and the value you assign to your tasks affect your ability to get things done, and take massive acion. We'll take you on a journey of controling your thoughts, your mind, your actions, and your emotions. Most stop-procrastinating programs concentrate on how to do tasks, we believe you already know what to do, and how to do it. This podcast focuses on how to take massive action by learning to master your mind and therefore yourself!!
Stop Procrastinating Now
Take an audio-voyeuristic trip into the weird world of two uncouth twentysomethings living in the shadow of Vancouver. Experience irreverent humour, perverted subject matter, personal drama, counterculture philosophies, and postmodern musings. An obscene podcast beyond the threshold of most respectable citzens. From Vancouver, BC, Canada
Foreskin Radio (podcasts)
The Moneyminding 12 Simple Steps
Money Minding 12 Simple Steps
Ancient & Medieval Philosophy
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10-01-2006 podcast 2
Final Battle
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Eggman Cracked
10-01-2006 podcast 2Final Battlepodcast
10-01-2006 podcast 2Final Battlepodcast
Jumper Chronicles - Road To The Final Battle
Jumper Chronicles - Road to the Final Battle
10-01-2006 podcast 2Final Battlepodcast
Eggman Cracked's Third Podcast, Guest starring Bryan Larrimore.
10-20-06 M podcast
Eggman Cracked
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