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We are in summer school, for summer school related projects... we're genious' we don't bite.
Listen to reviews of the latest kids tv shows, kids movies, kids books, websites and video games straight from the mouth of a kid. This show was created by a nine year old boy. He writes and performs it weekly.
Kid Power Radio
These 2 teen girls are hillarious as they give advice on dance moves, fashion and even horoscopes. Learn to sing, draw, shop, cook and get in trouble. Funny and educational! Visit us at
Got Ya Back
ETHSRC Podcast. Look for podcasts from ETHSRC.
Matinee Playhouse is for the entire family. Movies that bring back those childhood memories of those double features and the sense of excitement. with wonderful movies from your past.
matineeplayhouse's Podcast provides video and photography of Southwest Washington. Events include the Southwest Washington Symphony, School Activities including Lower Columbia College, specials events, and other activities of the area. Most features are full length and recorded in High Definition using professional video equipment and then encoded to highest standards available. On special request, other formats will be made available.
Brian Drake creates a time lapse movie documenting the painting process of one of his large format works.
Serenity On An Open Plane
UTM - Part 2
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Sorry - had to break it up into several posts...
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CCHS Band Podcast
Good day! This will be the place to subscribe to the podcasts pertaining to the Crockett County High School Marching Cavaliers! More details to follow...
First Post
Here's a field shot from down the field... Sorry for the angle - was the best we could do.Jimmy
Good day! This will be the place to subscribe to the podcasts pertaining to the Crockett County High School Marching Cavaliers! More details to follow...
First Post
Sorry this video is so long in coming... The quality is not that good as I was in not nearly as good a position as I usually am, plus I only had the one camera this time.Look for some more video very soon... Pep Band and Strawberry Festival.JL
State Competition
Last part - sorry for the multiple posts...Enjoy! See you this weekend!
UTM - Part 3
Sorry - had to break it up into several posts...Enjoy!
UTM - Part 2
Sorry for no video from Friday night's home game... I was not feeling well and I didn't get to tape it, but I understand they performed well!I'll try to get the Saturday video from UTM posted tonight...
No video for 9/14/07
Good day! This will be the place to subscribe to the podcasts pertaining to the Crockett County High School Marching Cavaliers! More details to follow...
First Post
CCHS held their band competition for 2009. Here's the video.
CCMI 2009
CCHS Band Podcast
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