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Teaching reading is a hugely complicated task. So much so that researcher Louisa Moats ended up entitling her influential article "Teaching Reading IS Rocket Science." Watch and learn as Reading Rockets goes inside the classroom and captures effective techniques for teaching all aspects of Reading 101. The video clips are from Reading Rockets' PBS television series Launching Young Readers.
Launching Young Readers is designed for teachers, parents, caregivers, and anyone else interested in helping children learn to read. The programs feature the country's top reading experts, look at different reading strategies, provide practical advice for parents, and interweave the personal stories of children, families, and teachers.
The following podcasts are available on For more information visit Reading Rockets' Reading 101 section, where you'll find related videos, articles, and techniques for teaching reading effectively!
Watch & Learn (Reading Rockets) provides video and photography of Southwest Washington. Events include the Southwest Washington Symphony, School Activities including Lower Columbia College, specials events, and other activities of the area. Most features are full length and recorded in High Definition using professional video equipment and then encoded to highest standards available. On special request, other formats will be made available.
Early TV Matinee presents vintage and classic television programs from the 1950, the Comedy,Drama,Westerns,Scifi,Cartoons,and More.
Early TV Matinee
Join DEATH, as he tours the countryside interviewing several of Discworlds colourful characters, including its creator Terry Pratchett to uncover some truths about the amazing flat universe. Terry Pratchett's Hogfather: 8pm, Sunday December 17th and 18th on Sky One. For more information go to
12 Days of Hogswatch (Video)
Scared Stiff Horror Cinema Defining the Horror genre, exploring typical tropes and motifs, such as the haunted house, monsters, zombies and serial killers. Also looking at the principles and logic behind the horror film – some sort of transgression (knowing something not supposed to know) leading to terrible consequences. Questioning why we watch horror films – cathartic enactment and overcoming of society’s worst nightmares. Thus the sociological interest in horror films – and how they portray society’s fears, varying according to the age.
Scared Stiff Horror Cinema
We are in summer school, for summer school related projects... we're genious' we don't bite.
Brian Drake creates a time lapse movie documenting the painting process of one of his large format works.
Serenity On An Open Plane
Welcome to Defender Ministries Podcast
Education Technology
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Here is the very first Defender Ministries podcast. Check back every Monday and Thursday for new posts. This one is just a test and intro. Don't let it scare you away! :) Click on the logo to the left to download.
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This episode is the first part of our look at Social Networking Sites. These include sites like MySpace, Facebook, Yahoo 360, Classmates, Xianz, and Orkut. The popularity of these networks have grown exponentially over the last couple of years. We talk about what the sites include, plus some positives and negatives -- and more. Click on the logo to the left to listen, or subscribe via iTunes.
Monday: Social Networking Sites
Today, we make up for our skipping out on Thursday's post with a stunning look at Celebrity Gossip. This comes in blog form, magazine form, television form, and basic news form. Some of the celebrity gossip blogs receive SIX MILLION VISITORS a day! This is big business. It can make and break careers. But is it good? Click on the logo to the left to listen, or subscribe via iTunes.
Monday: Celebrity Gossip
Today, we look at the decision about the .xxx web extension. Also we take a look at the American tradition of Spring Break and how it is affecting our students - both now and long term. Just click on the logo to the left to download, or subscribe via iTunes.
Monday: .XXX extension decision, Spring Break
Welcome to the Defender Ministries blog. This is going to be a site to give current updates on our efforts to help churches, families, schools, and students battle the damaging effects of internet pornography - as well as media, sexual issues, and more. This blog will also serve as a good launching point for our new podcast that we are starting. We hope this blesses and equips you. Thanks for visiting.
Here is the very first Defender Ministries podcast. Check back every Monday and Thursday for new posts. This one is just a test and intro. Don't let it scare you away! :) Click on the logo to the left to download.
Welcome to Defender Ministries Podcast
Welcome to the Defender Ministries blog. This is going to be a site to give current updates on our efforts to help churches, families, schools, and students battle the damaging effects of internet pornography - as well as media, sexual issues, and more. This blog will also serve as a good launching point for our new podcast that we are starting. We hope this blesses and equips you. Thanks for visiting.
Today, we look at the March 22 court case involvving Adult Verification on websites. Also, we take a quick look at the IM Safer software, and an even quicker look at our new Operation Isaiah curriculum. As always, click on the logo to the left to download the podcast. Thanks for visiting.
Thursday: Adult Verification Case, IM Safer, Operation Isaiah
Defender Ministries
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