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Quadratic (x-intercepts)
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Today we finished talking about quadratics, specifically about how they move, and how to find the equation using two points from a graph. If you were not in class you definitely need to get some notes from someone, but you can check out the examples on pages 131-134. We focused on finding the x-intercepts and solving for "a" in the equation f(x)= a (x-h)^2 + k.
Let me know if you are still confused (when you post your comment) and I will post some examples tonight.
Have a great week!
Coming up:
pg. 135 #'s 36-42 even, 78, 79, and find the x-intercepts from last nights homework (14-24)
- Tomorrow we will look at using
to solve quadratics
Posting for Points:
From the standard equation of a quadratic, what do h and k tell you?
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Math Analysis
Today we reviewed the material that will be on your test this coming Wednesday. Please remember that this test will be cumulative!Tomorrow we will begin looking at new material that will not be expected for the test.Coming up:- Test on Wednesday October 10th- "Midterm" coming up on October 17thPosting for Points:What does it mean if you find the fog and gof of two functions to both equal "x"?
Test Review
Today we reviewed the material that will be on your test this coming Wednesday. Please remember that this test will be cumulative!Tomorrow we will begin looking at new material that will not be expected for the test.Coming up:- Test on Wednesday October 10th- "Midterm" coming up on October 17thPosting for Points:What does it mean if you find the fog and gof of two functions to both equal "x"?
Test Review
Welcome to the Math Analysis Blog!
On Friday we began talking about complex numbers. Be sure that you have completed the assigned problems before class on Monday. You will recieve your Quadratic word problems on Tuesday, to complete over the break.Coming up:- Complex numbers this week.Posting for Points:Who had a sibling in the talent show friday?
Complex Numbers
Today we talked about the uses of Long Division and Synthetic Division and the process for each. Remember that we use these methods to find the roots of any polynomial beyond a quadratic! We will carry this process into our discussin of complex (imaginary) numbers at the end of the week.Coming up:- Homework is from section 2.3Posting for Points:How many roots do you expect to find from a quartic equation?
Long Division and Synthetic Divsion
Today we spent some time reviewing different methods of factoring. You need to be extremely comfortable with factoring by Friday! Extra practice can be found on page 149.Tomorrow we will talk about factoring polynomials beyond quadratics.Coming up:- Homework: pg. 149 #'s 35-40Posting for Points:What does the solution to a quadratic tell us about the graph?
You will have a test tomorrow on Quadratic Modeling. The test will include all topics that we discussed in class. Do not forget the extra problems that I recommended to you. Study hard!!!Coming up: -Test Tomorrow!!!!Posting for Points: Does Wile E Coyote ever catch the Roadrunner?
Test Tomorrow
Today we continued reviewing quadratics. You should have completed the Wile E Coyote problem in class or for homework.Coming up: - Test Friday!!Posting for Points: Free posting point tonight!
Quadratic Review
Today we talked about Polynomials and their graphs. Thus far you only know how to solve a polynomial if it can be manipulated to a quadratic. We will not look at other methods for finding these roots until after our test Friday.The test this Friday will include only our Quadratic information (Solving for "a", using matrices, word problems, and finding the roots). We will review tomorrow and Thursday.Have a great week!Coming up:- Test Friday!!!!!- Tomorrow we will reviewPosting for Points:How was your class trip?
Polynomials and Quadratic Review
On Friday you guys became engineers for the day. You had to create a scale drawing of your quadratic creation, and then find the equation representing your model. There were some very creative creations and everyone found their equivalent "a" values using both methods of solving. This week there will be no posts due to class trips. Everyone have a safe and fun time!!Have a great time on class trips!Coming up:- We will look at more polynomials when we get back.- Your grades are up so be sure to check those if you have not seen them alreadyPosting for Points:Free posting points all week!
Friday and Posts this Week
The St. Louis Arch equation has been found. First we found the equation using our original method discussed in class yesterday (using the vertex to find the standard equation, and then solving for "a"). Then we introduced using Matrices to solve a quadratic equation. This was a brief introduction to Matrices, as we will spend an entire chapter on them next semester, but it is important that you see how useful they can be for solving Systems of equations and Quadratics.If you were not in class you should visit the website on the right to see the steps in solving a Matrix. We also analyzed these two equations (one from each method), and discussed the importance of "a" in the equation, and why the vertex is almost irrelevant! It all depends on exactly how you set up the graph, but you will always have the same parabola, as long as your "a" is the same. The other numbers just give you the transformations!!!Have a great time at the Fall Festival!!!Coming up:- If you were not in class you should complete this worksheet (just numbers 1-6)- Tomorrow we will use these same techniques to find another famous arch!!Posting for Points:Can you think of another famous arch? (Think fast food)
St. Louis Arch
Today we talked about quadratics some more, and specifically focused on how to find the equation if given only the graph. You should now be able to also apply these concepts to a word problem.Tonight for homework you must determine the equation (a quadratic) representing the St. Louis Arch using the picture provided in class. Use our word problems from class to help you set up the equation.Have a great night!Coming up:- Homework: Find the equation representing the St. Louis Arch- We will begin looking at matrices tomorrowPosting for Points:Where is the St. Louis Arch?
St. Louis Arch
Today we finished talking about quadratics, specifically about how they move, and how to find the equation using two points from a graph. If you were not in class you definitely need to get some notes from someone, but you can check out the examples on pages 131-134. We focused on finding the x-intercepts and solving for "a" in the equation f(x)= a (x-h)^2 + k. Let me know if you are still confused (when you post your comment) and I will post some examples tonight.Have a great week!Coming up:- HW pg. 135 #'s 36-42 even, 78, 79, and find the x-intercepts from last nights homework (14-24)- Tomorrow we will look at using Matricies to solve quadraticsPosting for Points:From the standard equation of a quadratic, what do h and k tell you?
Quadratic (x-intercepts)
Today we focused on the specifics of a Quadratic function. We talked about both the "normal" equation and the standard equation. Be sure that you know how to use each, and how to change from one type to the other. You should also know what the vertex and the axis of symmetry are in a quadratic function. If you missed the notes today get them from someone ASAP.Have a great week!Coming up:- Homework p. 134 #'s 9, 14-26 evenPosting for Points:What is the equation for finding the axis of symmetry?
Standard Quadratic
Today I returned your midterms. We spent part of class going over the answers and correcting them. Be sure you understand all of these concepts.Have a great weekend!Coming up:- We will start looking specifically at quadratics on MondayPosting for Points:What is the UNC mascot?
Midterm Grades
Study for your MIDTERM!!!! Good Luck!!! Study Hard!!Coming up:- Midterm Tomorrow!!Posting for Points:Enjoy a free posting point!! (tell me how excited you are if you want)
Study for Midterm
Today we went over the homework from Monday and reviewed for the Midterm. Be sure that you are studying your old tests and correcting any mistakes you made.Coming up:- Midterm this THURSDAY!!! We have moved it from the original date (Friday).Posting for Points:When is your Midterm now? (sorry for the date changes but this should benefit everyone)
Midterm Review
We started today by reviewing the problems you had for homework dealing with the different types of variation. Be sure you know how to find the regression line using your calculator and understand what it is used for (and how to use it). I also handed back your tests from last week. Overall they were very good! Another job well done. Be sure to review ALL of your test material for the midterm this Friday!We also looked at some Problem Solving situations using the material from the last chapter. You should have problems 1-7 (skip 2, 3, and 5) done for class tomorrow.Have a great week!Coming up:- Homework: p. 125 #'s 1-7 (skip 2, 3, and 5)- Midterm this FRIDAY!!!!!!Posting for Points:What is your favorite TV show? (We will use this data tomorrow)
Problem Solving
We started the day by looking at the graphs for both our M&M data, as well as the Starbucks data. Make sure you know how to plot data on your calculator, find the regression line, and understand how to put that information back into the context of the problem. This material WILL be on the midterm.We discussed 4 different types of Variation: Direct, Inverse, Exponential, and Joint. Be sure that you know the equations and standard shape of these relationships. If you still have questions, check out the links to the right.Have a great weekend!GO HEELS!!! Check out Late Night With Roy at this weekendComing up:- Homework: pg. 109 #'s 9, 11, 12, 39-44, 68- Midterm next week!Posting for Points:Which school will have the best college basketball team this year????? (There is only one answer)
Today you guys split up into groups and took data on 10 fun size bags of M&M's. You should have taken data on several variables including: weight of bag, # of M&M's per bag, # of each color, etc. In class you completed a set of questions dealing with the graph of the Weight vs. # in each bag, and found the regression line for this data. We will discuss this data tomorrow, and use the Starbucks data to create another plot.Coming up:- No Homework for tonight, unless you did not finish your Graph in class- Midterm next week!Posting for Points:What does the correlation coefficient tell us about a graph?
M&M Data
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