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A video podcast showing how people use assistive technology to communicate, express their creativity, play games and make so much more out of life. This podcast shows that there is no reason why people with physical, vision, speech or language impairments cannot use the same creative and educational software as every other Mac OS X user. There will be a few episodes per year, each starring a different person. Copyright AssistiveWare, all rights reserved.
Exploring the Frontiers of Assistive Technology
Join host Ron Gural as he discusses interesting WWII subject matter and takes the audience on a historical journey.
Podcasts from The National World War II Museum
Suivez nos tests et tutoriaux de produits et logiciels Mac et Design.
PomGraphik | Studio
This podcast has been created to help everyone in Community Consolidated School District 62 use the Mac OS X operating system. Mac OS X is pronounced "Mac O S ten" [the "X" is used as Roman numeral "ten"]. At the time this podcast was produced (October 2006), District 62 was in transition between Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X. The vast majority of District 62 computers running Mac OS X are running Mac OS X, version 10.4. Eventually, all computers in District 62 will run Mac OS X.
Mac OS X for Your Classroom
Parelli Natural Horsemanship
Parelli Natural Horsemanship
Whether it's building your own website or adding some flare to your social network profile, we've got you covered as we go over tips and tricks to help you revive your online presence.
Layout Medics Screencast
CBT Cafe stands for Computer Based Training Cafe. We offer free web based software training and software tutorials for multimedia and graphic design in HTML, QuickTime Video, and Flash video training formats.
CBT Cafe tutorials include the most popular web design and graphics software programs, such as: Flash tutorials , Fireworks, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Cleaner, QuickTime, Ebay, and PowerPoint.
CBT Cafe - Video Tutorials
VCE Biology podcast episode 26
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VCE Biology podcast episode 26 covers part of Unit 3, Area of Study 1. This episode explains some of the biochemical processes in cells. In particular, the action of enzymes and two key biochemical reactions, photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
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VCE Biology
VCE Biology podcast episode 27 covers part of Unit 3, Area of Study 1. This episode explains some of the ways that molecular biology is used in medicine. In particular, things like prenatal diagnosis, gene therapy and vaccine design are discussed.
VCE Biology podcast episode 27
VCE Biology Unit 2 Summary.
Unit 2 Summary
VCE Biology Unit 1 Summary.
Unit 1 Summary
VCE Biology podcast episode 26 covers part of Unit 3, Area of Study 1. This episode explains some of the biochemical processes in cells. In particular, the action of enzymes and two key biochemical reactions, photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
VCE Biology podcast episode 26
VCE Biology podcast episode 25 covers part of Unit 3, Area of Study 1. This episode covers cell structure. In particular, the structure and function of the plasma membrane and various organelles
VCE Biology podcast episode 25
VCE Biology podcast episode 24 covers part of Unit 3, Area of Study 1. This episode covers biomolecules such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids; as well as the chemical substance that is essential for the survival of life - water.
VCE Biology podcast episode 24
VCE Biology podcast episode 23 covers part of Unit 2, Area of Study 2. This episode covers the way ecosystems change over time.
VCE Biology podcast episode 23
VCE Biology podcast episode 22 covers part of Unit 2, Area of Study 2. This episode covers population dynamics.
VCE Biology podcast episode 22
VCE Biology podcast episode 21 covers part of Unit 2, Area of Study 2. This episode covers the way that energy and matter move within an ecosystem.
VCE Biology podcast episode 21
VCE Biology podcast episode 20 covers part of Unit 2, Area of Study 2. This episode is about the way organisms interact with each other and includes information on food chains and food webs
VCE Biology podcast episode 20
VCE Biology podcast episode 19 covers part of Unit 2, Area of Study 2. This episode is about the way a community of organisms and their environment together form an ecosystem.
VCE Biology podcast episode 19
VCE Biology podcast episode 18 covers part of Unit 2, Area of Study 1. This episode covers the reproductive strategies animals use to ensure their ongoing survival.
VCE Biology podcast episode 18
VCE Biology podcast episode 17 covers part of Unit 2, Area of Study 1. This episode covers animal behaviour.
VCE Biology podcast episode 17
VCE Biology podcast episode 16 covers part of Unit 2, Area of Study 1. This episode explains how temperature regulation and water balance are controlled in animals.
VCE Biology podcast episode 16
VCE Biology podcast episode 15 covers part of Unit 2, Area of Study 1. This episode explains hormones and the endocrine system, and neurons and the nervous system in animals.
VCE Biology podcast episode 15
VCE Biology podcast episode 14 covers part of Unit 2, Area of Study 1. This episode covers plant tropisms and the way that hormones control the growth of plants.
VCE Biology podcast episode 14
VCE Biology podcast episode 13 covers part of Unit 2, Area of Study 1. This episode covers adaptations and how they help a species survive in the environment they live.
VCE Biology podcast episode 13
VCE Biology podcast episode 12 covers part of Unit 1, Area of Study 2. This episode covers the classification of living things.
VCE Biology podcast episode 12
VCE Biology podcast episode 11 covers part of Unit 1, Area of Study 2. In particular I'll be talking about asexual and sexual reproduction, meiosis, and aspects of human reproduction.
VCE Biology podcast episode 11
VCE Biology podcast episode 10 covers part of Unit 1, Area of Study 2. In particular I'll be talking about waste materials and the way that wastes are excreted in animals.
VCE Biology podcast episode 10
VCE Biology podcast episode 9 covers part of Unit 1, Area of Study 2. In particular I’ll be talking about the internal transport system of animals and how materials are distributed around an organism.
VCE Biology podcast episode 9
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VCE Biology
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