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Meet the authors behind award-winning young adult literature! These interviews are available from To see a transcript from these interviews, to find out more about each author, or to watch the full interview, see AdLit' Books & Authors section. is a national multimedia project offering information and resources to the parents and educators of struggling adolescent readers and writers. For more interviews with young adult authors, visit us at, a national education service of public television station WETA. Funding is provided by grants from Carnegie Corporation of New York and the Ann B. and Thomas L. Friedman Family Foundation.
Meet the Author (
Teaching reading is a hugely complicated task. So much so that researcher Louisa Moats ended up entitling her influential article "Teaching Reading IS Rocket Science." Watch and learn as Reading Rockets goes inside the classroom and captures effective techniques for teaching all aspects of Reading 101. The video clips are from Reading Rockets' PBS television series Launching Young Readers.
Launching Young Readers is designed for teachers, parents, caregivers, and anyone else interested in helping children learn to read. The programs feature the country's top reading experts, look at different reading strategies, provide practical advice for parents, and interweave the personal stories of children, families, and teachers.
The following podcasts are available on For more information visit Reading Rockets' Reading 101 section, where you'll find related videos, articles, and techniques for teaching reading effectively!
Watch & Learn (Reading Rockets)
The Apple Education Profiles series includes compelling stories about leaders,educators, researchers, and IT professionals using Apple technology to advance teaching and learning in schools, colleges, and universities.
Apple Education
The students, staff, and administration at Longfellow Middle School in La Crosse, Wisconsin share why "life in the middle" is a great place to be!
Life In The Middle
A video podcast that show how to solve algebra, trigonometry and other skills needed to enroll in Calculus
Precalc Problems Explained
Where the stories from the "Land of ROCORI" (ROckville, COld Spring, RIchimond, MN) come alive.
Hosted by photographer and author Scott Wittenburg, this podcast is for anybody who wants to learn the secrets of taking better photographs traditionally or digitally. Tips on cameras, composition, exposure, darkroom techniques and step-by-step tutorials on manipulating digital images in Adobe Photoshop are among the topics to be covered. Subscribers are encouraged to submit questions to the host, who will address them in future podcasts.
The Three of us in Italy!
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Nellie F. Bennett Elementary School
Iceland Here We Come
Our Trip to Naples
Lightning's Island Scrapbook to Samoa
Timber and Dakota Go To Brazil
Rusty the Pug in Hawaii
Jimbo the Spider Monkey in Bermuda
Cooper's Adventure to Italy
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Bailey and Daisy in Busch Gardens
Daisy Goes To Paris, France
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The Three of us in Italy!
Scruffy the Dog Goes to Hawaii
Mrs. Tansey's 4th Grade County Podcast Project
Ms. Tordella's 4th Grade Class: New Jersey County Podcast
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Nellie F. Bennett Elementary School
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