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Ms. DeFusco - Young Middle Magnet School
Established in 1816, The Fitzwilliam Museum is the principal art museum of the University of Cambridge. These podcasts offer the chance to learn more about the Museum's treasures, which range from Ancient Egyptian, Greek and Roman antiquities to the arts of the 21st century, with exclusive introductions to exhibitions, interviews with expert curators and previews of Museum events. (This the standard video version of our podcast, suitable for iPods. Elsewhere, an audio-only podcast in mp3 format is available. Please check our website or the iTunes store for alternative versions.)
The Fitzwilliam Museum Podcast
Le 1er site collaboratif de vidéos éducatives et culturelles réalisées par des professeurs.
Canal Educatif à la Demande : le meilleur des vidéos éducatives sur l'économie, les sciences et les arts
Reading Rockets' interviews with top children's book authors and illustrators are an excellent way to introduce students to those who create books kids know and love. Not just for children, these interviews are also enjoyed by parents, teachers, librarians, and other educators who appreciate the value of children's literature and get a kick out of putting a face and voice to the authors and illustrators whose work we enjoy. These interviews are available from in audio and video formats. To see a transcript from these interviews, to find out more about each author, or to watch the full interview, see Reading Rockets' Books & Authors section.
Meet the Author (Reading Rockets)
Podcast made by COEUS international School Students grades 5 through 10. Here the podcast team shares with work done by the students, news, events and music and travelling adventures at CIS. Coeus International School offers educational opportunities for young learners in grades K-12, with dual-language programs in English and the choice of Arabic, French, Mandarin or Spanish." The mission of Coeus International School is to educate young people to develop intellectual capacity and creativity, cultivate emotional intelligence and healthy relationships, achieve academic excellence and proficiency in world languages, value cultural diversity, and acquire peacemaking skills.
COEUS International school Podcast
Live365 is a place created just for you. It’s got a full-service cafe, billiards, video games, Guitar Hero, high-speed internet cafe, basketball, football, skate-park, and live music. A teenager's paradise. Go grab your friends and get out to Live365 this Wednesday, or come by yourself and make a whole bunch of new friends.
Live365 Audio
The students, staff, and administration at Longfellow Middle School in La Crosse, Wisconsin share why "life in the middle" is a great place to be!
Life In The Middle
Distributive Property and Like Terms by Tanya - 9:25
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STS: Basic Math
STS: Presents Basic Math Skills. In this video, Angel teaches you about how to rearrange variable in math questions that will enable you to solve for the unknown. For more Student Teaching Students lessons check us out on iTunes by searching "Papapodcasts". Thanks for watching.
Rearranging Equations by Angel - 8:39
Pythagorean Theorem by Athmeka - 4:19
Mean, Median and Mode by Lizel - 5:59
Long Division by Rashaan - 2:49
Fractions by Daven - 9:03
Euler's Formula by Vanessa - 6:33
Adding Integers by Samuel - 8:19
Pythagorean Theorem by Abbey
Pythagorean Theorem by Lizel
Multiply & Divide Fractions by Tanya
Adding, Subtracting Integers by Vithura
Area of a Cylinder by April
Circumference by Abera
Area & Circumference of Circle by Peter
BEDMAS by Samuel
Problem Solving by Daniel - 2:44
Types of Sampling by Gio - 6:11
Solving Simple Equations by Mariz - 2:35
Powers of Numbers by Shayna - 4:49
Distributive Property and Like Terms by Tanya - 9:25
BEDMAS by Samuel
Total 24
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STS: Basic Math
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