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Wonderfully inspiring Words for the Beginning of your meditation. By Narayani, Yoga and Meditation Master from London. More Yoga Videos
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Yoga Practice Video - Yoga Vidya
Variations of Yoga Eye Exercises: Improve your vision and concentration - and relax you neck at the same time. Try it out - this can develop mental relaxation, and prevent headache. More Yoga Videos on
Yoga Eye Exercises - Special Variations
Meditate on a Rose - a simple way to feel joy and love and fill yourself with positive thoughts and feelings. Guided Meditation by Narayani, Yoga and Meditation Master, Book Author from London. Filmed in Sahasrara Room at Yoga Vidya Germany.
Rose Meditation - with Narayani
Wonderful demonstration of Sun salutation (Surya Namaskar) with recitation of Surya Mantras. Performed by Narayani, Yoga Master from London. Narayani gives Yoga Seminars at Yoga Vidya regularly. More Yoga Videos on
Surya Namaskar with Surya Mantras - by Narayani
Learn new variations of Anuloma Viloma and Pratiloma Viloma. If you are familiar with the Basic Pranayamas you might want to try out something different. Narayani demonstrates and explains. More Video instructions on Yoga Pranayama on
Anuloma and Pratiloma Viloma Variations - Yoga Breathing Exercises
Wonderfully inspiring Words for the Beginning of your meditation. By Narayani, Yoga and Meditation Master from London. More Yoga Videos
Meditation on the Light of the Creator
Learn a new variation - Pincha Mayurasana. Narayani demonstrates how you can get into this Yoga Peacock Variation. She shows you that even when you are older than 60 years, you can still performk advanced Yoga Asanas... More Yoga Videos on
Headstand and Scorpion - Pincha Mayurasana - Advanced Yoga Practice
The Yoga Bird Asana is a very efficient way to strengthen your back muscles and to give a good massage to your abdominal organs. It is suitable to advanced and beginners students. Highly efficient to prevent back problems! Demonstrated by Atmanshanti, Yoga Teacher and Performance Artist. More Information on Yoga Bird on
Yoga Bird Asana
Atmanshanti demonstrates advanced variations of Yoga Mudrasana. For inspiration - and to try it out. You need to have very flexible hips before you try it out. Caution: Trying it without proper guidance can injure your knees. Yoga Mudrasana is a preparation for Pratyahara, control of the senses. More infos
Yoga Mudrasana Advanced variations
Atmanshanti demonstrates advanced variations of Bhadrasana, the Yoga Butterfly. Bhadrasana helps to open up the hips. Bhadrasana enables you to do Padmasana, the lotus posture, more easily. You should be an advanced student of Yoga before attempting these Asanas. More Infos on Bhadrasana
Bhadrasana - Yoga Butterfly advanced variations
Atmanshanti demonstrates advanced variations of Surya Namaskar, sun salutation. Very beautiful to watch - inspiration for the advanced practicioner. More variations of Surya Namaskar (beginners and advanced) .
Surya Namaskar Advanced Variations with Atmanshanti
Practice a gentle variation of Surya Namaskar (sun salutation). Suitable for beginners, for anybody with back problems, even with slipped disk. Suitable also for anybody who is not supposed to do inverted postures. Of course, you should consult a doctor, health practicioner or a qualified Yoga teacher if you have any health problems. Surya Namaskar gives you new energy and strength. Demonstrated by David, Yoga teacher at Yoga Vidya . Text, camera, explanations by Sukadev Bretz, founder of Yoga Vidya Germany.
Gentle Surya Namaskar - Sun Salutation without inverted Postures
Atmanshanti demonstrates Mayurasana the Yoga Peacock in an advanced Asana Variation. This is for advanced Yoga Students who want to try out something new. More information on Mayurasana
Mayurasana - Yoga Peacock Advanced Asana Variation
Try out the Yoga Boat, a variation of Shalabhasana. This Asana can be practiced by Beginners and Advanced. It helps to strengthen the back muscles and gives a good massage to the internal organs. Atmanshanti shows the diagonal boat and the full boat. More Infos on Yoga Boat on
The Yoga Boat - Shalabhasana
A complete Yoga practice in 20 minutes: Pranayama, sun salutation (surya namaskar), 12 basic postures (asanas), final relaxation. For intermediate students who already master the basics. No more excuse for not having time to practice: In 20 minutes you can do so much for yourself! Feel refreshed and energized. Demonstrated by Carlotta and Aruna, yoga teachers at Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. Voice/camera: Sukadev Bretz. More Infos .Music by Yogi Hari . More Videos on
Yoga Vidya Yoga Class - Intermediate Level 20 minutes
Develop your mental powers with this 20-minute Yoga Class. Synchronize your Yoga Practice with highly effective affirmations. With dynamic Mantra-Chanting with Gopiji. This Hatha Yoga Class is suited for intermediate and advanced students. Sukadev leads you through the following Hatha Yoga practices: Surya Namaskar (sun salutation), Vira Bhadrasana (heroe pose), Shirshasana (headstand), Garbhasana (child's pose), Paschimotthanasana (forward bend), Bhujangasana (cobra), Anjaneyasana (crescent moon), Kakasana (crow), Shavasana (final relaxation) with affirmation on the mental aspects of the Chakras, Kapalabhati. Demonstrated by Carlotta and Aruna, yoga teachers at Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. More Infos . More Videos on
Yoga Class with Affirmations for Development of Mental Powers
Find out your best relaxation Position: Carlotta and Sirkka demonstrate different variations fo Shavasana, the Yoga Relaxation Pose. Try it out, and see which Asana is best for you. If you are a Yoga teacher: Show these variations to your students - in this way everybody can really relax. Whether somebody has back pain, headache or other problems - relaxation is a powerful healing agent. Finding the proper posture for it is essential. More on Yoga, Yoga Video, Yoga Forum, Yoga Blog - Meet many Yogis and Yoginis from all the continents.
Shavasana - Yoga Relaxation Pose Variations
Advanced Variation of Yoga Surya Namaskar - the sun salutation Yoga practice for complete training of body and mind. Carlotta and Sirkka do a wonderful demonstration. Sukadev Bretz gives a short introduction. Filmed in Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. . Music:
Advanced Yoga Sun Salutation - Surya Namaskar
Matsyasana, the Yoga fish pose, in different variations for beginner, intermediate and advanced yoga practioners: Find out, which posture is best for you. Carlotta demonstrates the basic Asana, shows variations for hand positions, leg positions, head positions. She shows you how to modify if you have neck or back problems. Sukadev Bretz, director of Yoga Vidya Germany, guides you through these Hatha Yoga Asanas. More infos on international Internet Yoga Community
Yoga Fish for Beginners and Advanced - Hatha Yoga Asana Variations
Advanced Yoga Partner Asanas: The twin sisters Carlotta and Sirkka show balancing sitting side splits. Get new inspiration for your hatha yoga practice. More on yoga practice on
Balancing Splits - Yoga Partner Asana
Develop balance, joy and new energy: Carlotta and Sirrka demonstrate the Tree pose as a partner Asana. More Yoga Videos on
Tree Position - Yoga partner Asana
Activate your Chakras and let the energies flow. Sukadev leads you to an intermediate Yoga Class with concentration on the Chakras and their mental powers. This One-Hour-Yoga-Class consists of: Relaxation, Om Chanting, Kapalabhati, Anuloma Viloma (Alternate Nostril Breathing), Sun Salutation with Surya Mantras, Navasana, Shirshasana (Headstand), Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand), Halasana (Plough), Matsyasana (Fish), Paschimotthanasana (Forward Bend), Bhujangasana (Cobra); Shalabhasana (Locust), Dhanurasana (Bow), Garbhasana (Child's Pose), Ardha Matsyendrasana (Spinal Twist), Final Relaxation with Laya Yoga Technique, Om Chanting. Demonstrated by Carlotta and Aruna, yoga teachers and ayurveda therapists at Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. More Infos . Music by Yogi Hari . More Videos on
Yoga Class for Chakra Awakening - for Intermediate Students
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Yoga Practice Video - Yoga Vidya
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