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These are past shows by various students at Specs Howard School of Broadcast Arts
Specs Profile
Changing Face of Letterpress:
Professor Phil Baines and Dr Catherine Dixon are freelance designers, writers and both teach typography on the BA (Hons) Graphic Design at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design.
Phil Baines & Catherine Dixon
Chinese Consumer Connection hosts Talk of Asian Marketing that focuses on issues most managers don't think about, until it's too late. The cultural gap between Western and Eastern consumers is huge; TAM draws on local experts with decades of experience to give you a POV from the ground, to help you see what consumers are thinking and what marketers need to pay attention to.
CCC Videocast (Video Podcasts)
The LANDSPLOITATION Podcast hosts experimental video and audio documenting the social experience of the human landscape, including but not limited to the spaces of the built environment, vernacular architecture, proxemics, human interaction, and political boundaries. Submissions from independent scholars, photographers, and filmmakers are welcome. To submit, please insure that sound or video is hosted on a public server (such as and email the link together with a brief description of your piece to landscapestudies (at) gmail (dot) com.
a 12 lesson series by Rabbi Horowitz for beginners in Jewish insights, released once a month and recorded in The Jerusalem Academy of Jewish Studies
by FabTV
Fundamentals of Judaism
Dan Klyn is writing a book about how architecture is probably a better frame for doing the early-stage strategy and design work on websites than some of the other frames (library science, HCI etc). This podcast includes interviews with architects on these and other topics.
Now That I See It
Established in 1816, The Fitzwilliam Museum is the principal art museum of the University of Cambridge. These podcasts offer the chance to learn more about the Museum's treasures, which range from Ancient Egyptian, Greek and Roman antiquities to the arts of the 21st century, with exclusive introductions to exhibitions, interviews with expert curators and previews of Museum events. (This the standard video version of our podcast, suitable for iPods. Elsewhere, an audio-only podcast in mp3 format is available. Please check our website or the iTunes store for alternative versions.)
The Fitzwilliam Museum Podcast
Adaptations: Lit. Into Film, Spring 2014
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The English Department at Clackamas Community College is comprised of dedicated and talented teachers, many of whom are award-winning poets, fiction writers, screenwriters, and journalists.
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CCC English Department
Do you like to write?
Enter your poem, fiction, non-fiction or screenplay in the Writer’s Club contest!!
Contest entries will be collected through February 17th, 2010.
Submit all entries on a CD or floppy disk, along with a hard copy, to the Writers Club, Teacher Jim Grabill, RR 228. (Contact info. ext 2824,
The CD or floppy must [...]
Writers’ Club Contest
“Stories about food are stories about us, our history and values.” –Jonathan Safran Foer.
Please join us for “Food for Thought,” a discussion about food, identity, and the novel Crescent by Diana Abu-Jaber. (It’s okay if you haven’t read it!)
Hear some stories (and maybe share your own) on Wednesday, February 10 from 6 – 8pm at [...]
Food for Thought
Yesterday, due in large part to the grace of one Diana Schutz, Watchmen co-creator Dave Gibbons beamed into Trevor Dodge’s intro to lit theory class at Clackamas CC. He set up a Skype videochat with Dave, clicked a couple of times on the mouse to get things started, and the next he knew, an entire hour [...]
Great Gibbons Geekout
Trista Cornelius & Jim Grabill
Two published writers, two CCC instructors
Reading their latest
Jim is the author of a number of books, including An Indigo Scent after the Rain andPoem Rising Out of the Earth and Standing Up in Someone. His new poems have been published or will soon appear in The Common Review, The New York Quarterly, [...]
Eco-eating & Eco-poetics, writers of beauty
Poetry Northwest has published Oregon 150 Poetry Book List: 150 Books for 150 Years of Statehood, and three of CCC’s best are on the list! No surprise there. Diane Averill’s For All That Remains and Beautiful Obstacles, Jim Grabill’s An Indigo Scent After the Rain and Poem Rising Out of the Earth, and Kate Gray’s [...]
Oregonians Choose CCC Poets!
We will read four excellent books in this course:
The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn (Dover Thrift Ed.) ISBN: 0486280616
The Scarlet Letter (Dover Thrift Ed.) ISBN: 0486280489
The Norton Anthology of American Literature, 7th ed., Volume B (1820-1865) ISBN: 0393927407
The Norton Anthology of American Literature, 7th ed., Volume C (1865-1914) ISBN: 0393927415
ALL these books can be found online [...]
American Lit. Fall 09!
Novelist and short story writer Matt Briggs will read in CCC’s Literary Arts Center (Rook 220) at 8 pm on May 27. The event is open and free to the public.
Briggs is the author of four collections of short stories, The Remains of River Names, Misplaced Alice, The Moss Gatherers and The End is the [...]
Matt Briggs: May 27
Poets Paulann Petersen and Willa Schneberg will read at noon on Friday, May 15 in Rook 220. The event is free and open to the public.
Petersen’s books of poetry are The Wild Awake (Confluence Press), Blood-Silk (Quiet Lion Press), and A Bride of Narrow Escape (Cloudbank Books), which was a finalist for the Oregon Book [...]
Paulann Petersen & Willa Schneberg: May 15
Poets Gary Thompson and Rick Robbins will read in the Literary Arts Center (Rook 220) at noon on Tuesday, May 5. This event is sponsored by the Clackamas CC English Department and open/free to the public.
May 5: Gary Thompson & Rick Robbins
Do you like to write? Enter your poem, fiction, non-fiction or screenplay in the 2009 Writers Club contest! Contest entries will be collected March 20th 2009.
Submit all entries on a CD or floppy disk, along with a hard copy, to the Writers Club, Teacher: Tobias Peterson, RR 228. (Contact info. ext 2113,
The CD or [...]
2009 Writers Club Contest
CCC English Instructor Diane Averill has had a poem accepted in the literary magazine, The Midwest Quarterly. It is entitled “Ode to Night Winters”.
Congratulations Diane!
Learn how important your food choices really are. Friday, April 23 Noon-1pm Fireside Lounge From 1-2pm, watch The Meatrix and The Real Cost of Food: two short, witty, animated films revealing what you don’t know about what’s on your plate. FREE of course. Bring curiosity and questions. All are welcome. If you’d like to know [...]
Change your diet, save the world!
Hear Scott McCloud in CCC’s Neimeyer Center on Friday evening, Oct. 15, and afterward, stay late, rise early, write your story. From 6pm to 6pm, we’ll write, video, animate, produce stories. Don’t miss it. The event is free. No need … Continue reading →
Tell your story!
Poet Raphael Dagold will read from his new book Bastard Heart (Silverfish Review Press) at noon on April 17 in the Winklesky Literary Arts Center (Rook 220). This event is free and open to the public. Dagold’s poems, fables, and photographs have appeared in Frank, … Continue reading →
Poetry Reading: Raphael Dagold, Thursday April 17
We’ve recorded and shared an audio recording of last week’s Stevan Allred/Dan Berne event on the Oregon City campus. Click here to listen!
audio: Stevan Allred and Dan Berne
Join us Thursday, March 13, 2014, to Hear Stevan Allred & Dan Berne Read From Their New Books
Adaptations: Lit. Into Film, Spring 2014
Writing to Publish, Spring 2014
Sign up for this GREAT class now!
Literature of Science Fiction, Spring 2014
Creative Writing: Nonfiction, Spring 2014
Total 23
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CCC English Department
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