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Airshow - Flight Meeting 100 Years of Airtravel
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In celebration of 100 years air travel Switzerland the Swiss AeroClub created this amazing composition of historical, commercial, military and private plane show. This presentation is a musical composition and an ensemble without narration. A timeless shwo and great piece of history. See an Airbus 330 join the Patrouille Suisse and PC-7 Team, or the amazing Breitling Jet Team at their best.
Airshow - Flight Meeting 100 Years of Airtravel
The story of Jesus Christ is one of the most told stories in the world. If his story would have been a movie it would be the biggest blockbuster in history.
But what exactly happened in that "movie"? Who was Jesus?
Luke Gasser, famous Swiss rock musician and movie director, took these questions and made the forgotten "Making Of".
During his journey he meets Hollywood director and theologist Paul Verhoeven (known for Basic Instinct, RoboCop, Starship Troopers, Total Recall) and important theologists in Europe. He visits the original stage where the biggest story in mankind played.
Swiss Rock Musician and Filmmaker Luke Gasser in a research adventure. He follows the tracks of the most famous man in history. He tries to get a look behind the biggest mystery of mankind to set the spotlight on the greatest story ever told, the most thrilling film ever seen. He seeks, talks, investigates and films for one mission:
„The Making of Jesus of Nazareth“.
The Making of Jesus Christ
A chi non è capitato di smarrire un oggetto di uso comune, proprio quello che avevamo fino ad un attimo prima sotto gli occhi? Un orologio, un paio di occhiali, le chiavi della macchina, la macchina stessa. A Guido capita di perdere la figlia di otto anni. Guido è un quarantenne che pensa solo alle donne, alle macchine e alla bella vita. Una sera, proprio mentre si prepara per una serata con una nuova fiamma, la ex moglie, Silvia, gli piomba in casa affidandogli Arianna, la figlia, per la notte, ha un problema improvviso, dice, e tu che sei il padre per una volta nella vita te ne devi occupare.. Guido non ha scampo: deve cancellare l’appuntamento galante e, forse per la prima volta nella sua vita, suo malgrado, fare il padre. Con riluttanza, prova a prendersi cura della piccola, senza grande successo. Tutte quelle domande e la curiosità della bambina sulla sua vita lo imbarazzano, e poi lui non è abituato ad avere una femmina per casa, almeno non di quell’età. Sembrerebbe solo una serata rovinata, fino a quando, senza apparente spiegazione, la bambina scompare. Eppure era lì, in sala, solo un attimo prima, che rispondeva alle sue parole, anzi lo stava aiutando a ritrovare il cacciavite che aveva appena smarrito. Anche il cacciavite? Beh, il fatto è che proprio quando Guido ha ritrovato il cacciavite gli è sparita la bambina… Abbiamo a che fare con una persona sbadata, uno di quelli che abitualmente dimentica le cose? No, non è così, Guido è un razionale, un professionista, pratico, deciso, affidabile. Dapprima pensa ad uno scherzo, poi immagina che Arianna se ne sia andata, ma dove? In breve Guido arriva ad immaginare le cose più serie o spaventose per quanto improbabili. E’ naturale che il primo passo, appurato che la soluzione non è sotto mano, sia chiamare la polizia. Solo che alla polizia hanno altro da fare che occuparsi di uno che non trova sua figlia, in casa sua, poi… Comunque per queste cose c’è un servizio apposito per il quale bisogna chiamare un altro numero… E da qui inizia il delirio di Guido ed una serie di bizzarre vicissitudini che fanno capo al sedicente UFFICIO OGGETTI SMARRITI e gli faranno conoscere Sofia, la vicina di casa bella, giovane e disinvolta di cui lui non si era mai accorto prima…
Oggetti Smarriti (Das Fundbüro - mit deutschem Untertitel)
A young Chinese tourism officer is sent to a forgotten part of southern Italy and unintentionally changes the life of its inhabitants.
Old is the New
In celebration of 100 years air travel Switzerland the Swiss AeroClub created this amazing composition of historical, commercial, military and private plane show. This presentation is a musical composition and an ensemble without narration. A timeless shwo and great piece of history. See an Airbus 330 join the Patrouille Suisse and PC-7 Team, or the amazing Breitling Jet Team at their best.
Airshow - Flight Meeting 100 Years of Airtravel
The story of Jesus Christ is one of the most told stories in the world. If his story would have been a movie it would be the biggest blockbuster in history.
But what exactly happened in that "movie"? Who was Jesus?
Luke Gasser, famous Swiss rock musician and movie director, took these questions and made the forgotten "Making Of".
During his journey he meets Hollywood director and theologist Paul Verhoeven (known for Basic Instinct, RoboCop, Starship Troopers, Total Recall) and important theologists in Europe. He visits the original stage where the biggest story in mankind played.
Swiss Rock Musician and Filmmaker Luke Gasser in a research adventure. He follows the tracks of the most famous man in history. He tries to get a look behind the biggest mystery of mankind to set the spotlight on the greatest story ever told, the most thrilling film ever seen. He seeks, talks, investigates and films for one mission:
„The Making of Jesus of Nazareth“.
The Making of Jesus Christ
A chi non è capitato di smarrire un oggetto di uso comune, proprio quello che avevamo fino ad un attimo prima sotto gli occhi? Un orologio, un paio di occhiali, le chiavi della macchina, la macchina stessa. A Guido capita di perdere la figlia di otto anni. Guido è un quarantenne che pensa solo alle donne, alle macchine e alla bella vita. Una sera, proprio mentre si prepara per una serata con una nuova fiamma, la ex moglie, Silvia, gli piomba in casa affidandogli Arianna, la figlia, per la notte, ha un problema improvviso, dice, e tu che sei il padre per una volta nella vita te ne devi occupare.. Guido non ha scampo: deve cancellare l’appuntamento galante e, forse per la prima volta nella sua vita, suo malgrado, fare il padre. Con riluttanza, prova a prendersi cura della piccola, senza grande successo. Tutte quelle domande e la curiosità della bambina sulla sua vita lo imbarazzano, e poi lui non è abituato ad avere una femmina per casa, almeno non di quell’età. Sembrerebbe solo una serata rovinata, fino a quando, senza apparente spiegazione, la bambina scompare. Eppure era lì, in sala, solo un attimo prima, che rispondeva alle sue parole, anzi lo stava aiutando a ritrovare il cacciavite che aveva appena smarrito. Anche il cacciavite? Beh, il fatto è che proprio quando Guido ha ritrovato il cacciavite gli è sparita la bambina… Abbiamo a che fare con una persona sbadata, uno di quelli che abitualmente dimentica le cose? No, non è così, Guido è un razionale, un professionista, pratico, deciso, affidabile. Dapprima pensa ad uno scherzo, poi immagina che Arianna se ne sia andata, ma dove? In breve Guido arriva ad immaginare le cose più serie o spaventose per quanto improbabili. E’ naturale che il primo passo, appurato che la soluzione non è sotto mano, sia chiamare la polizia. Solo che alla polizia hanno altro da fare che occuparsi di uno che non trova sua figlia, in casa sua, poi… Comunque per queste cose c’è un servizio apposito per il quale bisogna chiamare un altro numero… E da qui inizia il delirio di Guido ed una serie di bizzarre vicissitudini che fanno capo al sedicente UFFICIO OGGETTI SMARRITI e gli faranno conoscere Sofia, la vicina di casa bella, giovane e disinvolta di cui lui non si era mai accorto prima…
Oggetti Smarriti (Das Fundbüro - mit deutschem Untertitel)
A young Chinese tourism officer is sent to a forgotten part of southern Italy and unintentionally changes the life of its inhabitants.
Old is the New
Plum Village is a zen-buddhist village in South of France belonging to world-famous zen-master Thich Nhat Hanh from Vietnam.
Thich Nhat Hanh was exiled from Vietnam and since has lived in France where together with Sister Chan Khong, he built up Plum Village.
Even Martin Luther King nominated him for the Peace Nobel Prize.
He supports orphans, refugees, political prisoners, buddhist monks and nuns as well as helps when there are nature catastrophes, and he is an environmentalist.
In November 2012, actress, singer, children's book author Eliane Chappuis, travelled to Plum Village and with the permission of Sister Chan Khong she filmed this documentary film ''One week in Plum Village''. Eliane shows in a straightforward way what a one week stay in Plum Village is like.
She shows the different practices like walking and sitting meditation.
How they eat in silence and stop everything they do when hearing a bell, to be aware of the present moment.
The documentary film is accompanied by music from the album ''Plumvillage Kid'' where Eliane sings poems by Thich Nhat Hanh.
Plum Village is a place to practice peaceful living. Please enjoy this journey to Plum Village and to finding inner peace!illage
One Week In Plum Village - Thich Nhat Hanh
Told from the point-of-view of a fan, this documentary provides a behind-the-scenes look at morning radio with one show in particular as the centerpiece - The Preston and Steve Show on 93.3FM WMMR in Philadelphia, PA. Taking over a year to shoot, this film
includes interviews with the talented air team of Preston and Steve, coverage of their live events and celebrity guests such as Stephen Lynchand Chris Hardwick. Fans of the show are highlighted as Preston and Steve have a wildly devoted fan base that is not
afraid to go to extremes to show just how much they love this show.
Undivided: The Preston and Steve Experience
Director and fine artist James Higginson (Emmy Award, 1987) premieres his first feature length experimental art film, WILLFUL BLINDNESS, 2012.
WILLFUL BLINDNESS is a mesmerizing story of a gun shot victim as he crawls home, the story of a mother supporting her daughter and story of a daughter who has been a passive recipient of the fruits of evil. A nonlinear, circuitous story that borders stream of consciousness, WILLFUL BLINDNESS rakes the boundary where distant memory meets a familiar present, where the real meets the dream, and where the unconscious seems conscious. This non-verbal experimental art film is a bold and stunning visual interpretation, a kaleidoscopic roller coaster ride through the madness of the mores that consume our contemporary society. WILLFUL BLINDNESS questions our survival choices.
Willful Blindness
Suspension of Disbelief heisst: die Aufhebung des Unglaubens oder auch das Ausserkraftsetzen von Zweifeln. Ein Begriff, der seinen Ursprung in der Kunst findet und sehr oft in Filmen angewendet wird. Wieviel Unmögliches verzeiht der Zuschauer dem Filmemacher? Jedes Mal, wenn etwas Unglaubliches über die Leinwand flimmert und der Zuschauer es annehmen kann, dann hat “Suspension of Disbelief” statt gefunden.
Der Kurzfilm erzählt die Geschichte von Telly Sanders, einem 31-jährigen Amerikaner. Er ist schwer verliebt in Valerie, ein wunderschönes Mädchen. Die beiden scheinen das perfekte Paar zu sein. Als jedoch Telly’s langjähriger Jugendfreund Sam in deren Leben tritt, scheint die innige Liebe aus der Bahn geworfen zu werden.
Telly musste als kleiner Junge zuschauen, wie seine Mutter fremdging und war machtlos. Die darauf folgende Scheidung seiner Eltern hat ihn zutiefst geprägt; seine Mutter verliess die Familie und kam nie wieder zurück.
Es sieht so aus, als ob ihn die Vergangenheitserlebnisse einholen und er diese neu durchleben muss. Telly erwischt Valerie und Sam im Café, beim Nachhausekommen und später sogar im Bett. Anstatt die beiden sofort zu stellen, entscheidet er sich zu warten. Jedoch zu lange.
Irgendwann wird es ihm zuviel und er dreht durch. Blind und verrückt vor Eifersucht entführt er Sam, um diesen zu stellen. Telly will wissen, warum Sam ihm so etwas antun will. Dieser schweigt jedoch und geht anfangs auf Telly’s Drohungen nicht ein. Mit dem wachsenden Druck gesteht er, Val gekannt zu haben und dass er und Val für eine Zeit lang sogar ein Paar gewesen sind.
Der Zorn übermannt Telly und er wirft sich auf Sam. Es kommt zu einem tragischen Unfall; Sam liegt blutend und regungslos am Boden.
Telly findet Sam’s Tagebuch, welches ihn zu dem Moment zurückkehren lässt, wo die blinde Eifersucht entstanden ist. Telly muss feststellen, dass die Eifersucht seine Wahrnehmung eingehüllt hat und er nur noch das gesehen hat, was er sehen wollte. Aber was ist wirklich geschehen?
Die Aufhebung des Unglaubens
A murder mystery centered around a man with memory loss as he awakens alone in the forest. As he retraces his steps anxiety builds until the discovery of a dead body pushes his emotions to a boiling point as memories come flooding back.
On a hot summer day, Sixteen year-old Verity heads to the wild Northumberland coast as she makes her way home from boarding school. Castle is a drifter, demobilised from the army and sleeping rough along the coast. Though their paths never cross, their lives
become intertwined. At first, the summer holidays offer Verity the chance to get drunk with her friends in the city, go swimming and sunbathing. Even fall in love with a young Polish immigrant working as a taxi driver. Her parents – Anne and Jim – are proud
of how their daughter is growing up, though they worry about her. Jim is a local CID policeman. His love for Verity and Anne seems tinged with a sadness and anger. Anne is a university professor, a pragmatic mother, uncomfortable expressing her affection for
Verity. As Verity and Castle orbit closer and closer towards each other, the loving spaces between Verity, Anne and Jim are eroded by acrimonious silence. What happened to Jim during his foreign police service in the Iraq war? Why doesnʼt Anne want to know?
When Castleʼs dead body washes up on the coast and Jim is tasked to lead the investigation, Jimʼs experience during the war and occupation begin to emerge.
Verity's Summer
اکت خالی - Sam suffers mental disorder in grasping images. He is not able to recognize familiar faces and just recognizes the voices. His brother tries to help him but Sam's delusions causes to take him as an enemy...
Empty Paperbag - اکت خالی
An unexpected event threatens to change Joaquin's life forever. The story his grandfather used to tell him becomes the fantasy that leads us to his inner world.
El viejo yacaré sin dientes - The old and toothless yacare
Drinking from the Well captures the real lives of Ugandan youth struggling to create a positive future in an environment that tests every ability to survive. Each day, the next generation of Ugandans must surmount these obstacles in order to begin thinking about the future. Somehow, Happy, Shamirah, B-Start, Kenny and Jajanelly, have done much more than this. Under the umbrella of the Amagezi Gemaanyi Youth Association (AGYA), these five have united to push against the odds and forge a future rich with possibility. The lives of these five youth meld with the stories of the other slum citizens to tell the compelling story of people who will not quit. Difficulties are pushed aside as the youth gather around to drink deeply from the well.
Drinking from the Well
DILLI is a moving collection of heartfelt interviews with Delhi slum dwellers. Its lens focuses on a group of dwellers, bringing to life the untold story of mass exodus of thousands who were bulldozed from their homes and transferred to a makeshift facade - Bawana without water, shelter or drainage, while the city was being beautified for Commonwealth Games 2010.
DILLI - city of dreams - is a universal story of millions of underprivileged around the world.
DILLI holds up a mirror not only to India, but to every nation around the world, whose poor live forgotten under bridges, children go hungry, and fathers work thousands of miles from their families to provide.
DILLI brings awareness. And awareness is the first step towards action.
The Wooden Sword is the story of Fabrice, a lonely museum attendant living in Paris, who has developed a fascination with Napoleon. When he orders a costume, the stage is set for his own imaginary battle on the banks of the Seine. But when a tramp joins in, the fantasy becomes a little bit too real, which does however give the tramp his moment to shine.
L'Epee de Bois - The Wooden Sword
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