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Pundits and people pontificate on provocative issues.
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A podcast by veterinary ethologist Myrna Milani covering a wide range of topics related to animal health, behavior, and the human-animal bond. Learn more at » Audio Updates
An collection of short stories by the inimitable Lev (Leo) Nikolayevich Tolstoy (1828-1910). Unlike commercial audiobooks, anticipate seeing more stories appearing in this on-going podcast. Current audiobook length: 1 hr. 48 mins.
Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy - A Short Story Collection [Unabridged]
'Dichter und Denker in Freiburg' ist eine fächerübergreifende Ringvorlesung zum 550. Jubiläum der Universität. Veranstalter sind das Deutsche und das Historische Seminar in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Studium Generale.
Die Ringvorlesung soll einen Überblick bieten über die Gelehrten- und Literaturgeschichte Freiburgs vom Mittelalter bis in die Gegenwart. Bedeutende Gelehrte und Dichter, die in Freiburg wirkten, werden in Einzelporträts vorgestellt, die jeweils stadt-, universitäts- und kulturgeschichtlich perspektiviert werden.
Eine Ausstellung (26.10.2006. bis 8.2.2007) in der Universitätsbibliothek begleitet die Ringvorlesung, an der sich Kolleginnen und Kollegen der Philologischen, Philosophischen und Theologischen Fakultät beteiligen.
Hörer aller Fakultäten und interessierte Bürger Freiburgs sind willkommen. Die Ringvorlesung findet statt vom 2.11.2006 bis 15.2.2007 jeweils Donnerstags von 18-19 Uhr im Kollegiengebäude I, Hörsaal 1199.
Der Audio-Podcast wird von der Universitätsbibliothek Freiburg produziert. Die letzte Episode des Podcasts erscheint am 20.2.2007.
Redner waren: Prof. Dr. Dieter Mertens, Prof. Dr. Thomas Zotz, Prof. Dr. Hans-Jochen Schiewer, Prof. Dr. Dieter Mertens, Prof. Dr. Heribert Smolinsky, Prof. Dr. Peter Walter, Prof. Dr. Paul Gerhard Schmidt, Prof. Dr. Achim Aurnhammer, Prof. Dr. Hans Fenske, Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Braun, Prof. Dr. Ernst Schulin, Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Volker Schupp, Prof. Dr. Sabina Becker, Prof. Dr. Günter Figal, Prof. Dr. Uwe Pörksen
Ringvorlesung 'Dichter und Denker in Freiburg'
Universitätsbibliothek Freiburg
(12 June, 1892 to 18 June, 1982)
Here is unique series of new recordings of Djuna Barnes' short stories and poems. This American writer played an important part in the development of 20th Century English language modernist writing, She was a key figures in 1920-30s bohemian Paris after filling a similar role in the Greenwich Village of the teens. Her novel Nightwood, with its introduction by T. S. Eliot, is a cult work of modern fiction. She stands out today for her distinctive writing style and her portrayals of lesbian themes. Since Barnes's death, interest in her work has grown and many of her books are back in print.
Djuna Barnes - Selected Works
The podcast where we talk about all things Chesterton, which includes everything, and everything else. Learn more about Chesterton, his life, his books, his way of thinking.
Uncommon Sense
Anton Chekhov wrote three interconnected short stories, sometimes referred to as "THE LITTLE TRILOGY." The three tales , "The Man In a Case," "Gooseberries," and "About Love," have been continually admired and read for more than a hundred years as individual stories. When read/listened to together, they reveal interrelated, reoccurring characters and themes. The three stories, recorded here in public performance, are available in two audiobook formats as well as three separate story episodes. Total audiobook length: 1 hour 32 minutes.
Anton Chekhov - The Little Trilogy [Unabridged]
Florida Matters
Florida Matters
Go beyond the daily headlines to explore the issues affecting Floridians and their communities with WUSF's Florida Matters.
University Beat
University Beat
Learn about the University of South Florida's efforts to advance research, education, science, art and culture with WUSF's "University Beat."
University Beat Video
University Beat Video
University Beat Videos
University Beat Videos
Learn about the University of South Florida's efforts to advance research, education, science, art and culture with WUSF's "University Beat."
Florida Matters Podcast
Florida Matters Podcast
Florida Matters is WUSF 89.7's newest forum that goes beyond the daily headlines and explores issues that matter to you and your community. It addresses critical issues suggested by listeners to stimulate conversation and advance discussion.
Florida Stories Podcast
Florida Stories Podcast
Florida Stories is a WUSF 89.7 segment featuring highlights of personal stories that Floridians shared with StoryCorps, the national oral history project co-sponsored by NPR and the Library of Congress.
Florida Daily News Podcast
Florida Daily News Podcast
Summary of WUSF's daily newscasts, providing coverage of Florida.
Florida Commentaries Podcast
Florida Commentaries Podcast
Commentaries that reflect the issues of the times and the interests of the people of Florida.
University Beat Video
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