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WEB、BLOG、SECONDLIFEと連動して制作される「PODCASTLIFE RADIO」。チコさんが、全国のロゼッタストーンメンバーやその他ゲストを招いて、バラエティに富んだ話を展開します。旅行、グルメ、趣味、時には仮想現実世界やネット事情など近未来的ベクトルを持ったメディア融合番組の一つです。・・・数千キロ離れたところに住むゲストをネットで結んで、リアルタイムに収録するラジオ番組「PODCASTLIFE RADIO」を是非お聞き下さい。
Recap the La Minita trip, 10 things to do with a gift card, SEXPRESSO!
AA Cafe Podcast
Vladimir Nabokov has said of Gogol: "When, as in his immortal 'The Overcoat,' he really lets himself go and pottered happily on the brink of his private abyss, he became the greatest artist that Russia has yet produced." — The Overcoat (The Cloak), The Nose, Memories of a Madman, and other stories, will appear as continuing podcasts, together with several 19th Century prefaces, comments, reviews and newspaper notices.
The Overcoat and Other Stories - Nikolai Gogol (Unabridged)
Die Reihe "Schriftsteller im Gespräch" beinhaltet Interviews mit diversen Literaten deutscher Zunge, die die Deutsche Welle im Laufe der Jahre geführt hat.
Zeitreise: Schriftsteller im Gespräch | Deutsche Welle
DW-WORLD.DE | Deutsche Welle
The Halloween Haunt, hosted by the Halloween Haunter features history, customs, traditions, as well as spooky stories and poems. Most episodes 5 minutes or under.
Halloween Haunt
Originally published in French in 1922 and later translated by Paul C. Blum, this biography of Buddha is told in an unassuming and engaging style. The public domain text strings together the narrative of Buddha's life as gathered from several classic Buddhist texts, including the Buddhacharita of Asvaghosa, the Lalitavistara, and the Jataka, tales of the Buddha's former births. Here is the story of Prince Siddhartha. Although born into luxury, he seeks and finds enlightenment. He goes on to a life of teaching and developing a growing community. The biography ends with the Buddha's Parinirvana. The text of this English translation is made available through the generosity of The Internet Sacred Text Archive at This on-going podcast of the 58 chapters of The Life of Buddha will be available until all chapters are recorded. Afterwards, the completed audiobook will be available in a commercial edition. This audiobook is a Cloud Mountain production. The complete length of the current episodes is 3 hours and 05 minutes. * * * * * PLEASE NOTE: although not free of textual errors or outdated interpretations of the Buddha's life and teaching, its relaxed, conversational style makes The Life of Buddha an inspiring introduction to the extraordinary man called the Buddha. Please read more recent, reliable works to gather accurate knowledge of the Buddha's words and actions. * * * * *
The Life of Buddha by A. Ferdinand Herold is pleased to present the Classical Mythology podcast. With this series we will investigate the characters and events that formed bedrock of belief in the ancient western world. Whether you are interested in a certain Divinity or a particular story, this podcast is a must for all students of myth.
Classical Mythology Podcast
Da num e da pum
Da num e da pum
Savais vus danunder che voss num deriva? Na? Lura è la rubrica da Da num e da pum interessanta per vus. Là pudais vus numnadamain laschar respunder questa dumonda.
La discussiun
La discussiun
En la discussiun vegnan temas actuals discutads cun experts u persunas responsablas.
Artg musical
Artg musical
La vasta paletta da musica cumponida, scritta, producida u preschentada en nossas valladas, en il chantun Grischun e Svizra rumantscha merita in'attenziun speziala.
Persunas dal fatg e dal champ da la scienza preschentan, decleran, analiseschan e reflecteschan durant 30 minutas fenomens, svilups e dumondas da la vita e da la societad.
La marella
La marella
L’emissiun focusescha e reflectescha durant 30 minutas in tema. Ella dat in cuc davos las culissas, explitgescha e metta en context, saja quai fenomens novs e nunenconuschents, ubain istorgias che paran a prima vista enconuschenta.
Durant in’ura porscha il Profil biografias, destins, istorgias ed experientschas dad umens e dunnas, giuven e vegl, da prominents u simplamain da persunas ch’han da dir e da raquintar insatge. Il Profil ha durant ils ultims 25 onns dà il pled a var...
RTR Artg musical
RTR Artg musical
Artg musical
RTR Da num e da pum
RTR Da num e da pum
Da num e da pum
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