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In "Das Abenteuer Kreativität" geht es genau um dasselbe. Wie kann ich kreativer sein? Warum ist Kreativität weitaus mehr als nur Ideen zu haben? und.. wozu ist das eigentlich im Alltag gut?
Abenteuer Kreativität wird moderiert von der Kreativitätstrainerin Simone Krejny und publiziert auf dem Edutainment-Portal von
Dort finden Sie nicht nur die Shownotes zu jeder Sendung, sondern zu all unseren sechs Podcastkanälen mittlerweile über 100 Artikel, E- und Audio-Books zu unseren Themen.
Das Abenteuer Kreativitaet
Dr. Luise Maria Sommer
Sort of like my personal diary, but with tongue in cheek. Dont take this too seriously. While the things I talk about are true I am applying creative license to make it more interesting and entertaining. Content might be explicit. So ye be warned!
Insane In Da Brain
"Das Abenteuer Zukunft" von und mit Stephan Magnus ist der 7. Podcast-Kanal auf unserem Edutainment-Portal
Abenteuer Zukunft ist der Ort, an dem die Möglichkeiten der Zukunft so vorgestellt werden, dass sie für Sie in Ihrem Lebensentwurf anwendbar werden. Hier gibt es die aktuellen Entwicklungen in Zukunftsthemen wie etwa der Nanotechnologie, Braindrugs, simulierten Gesellschaften oder der Molekular- gastronomie, provozierende Ideen, um die eigenen Einstellungen neu zu betrachten, Interviews mit Leuten, die es wissen müssen und Anregungen, wie Sie das Abenteuer Ihres eigenen Lebens auf eine offene und spannende Zukunft hin orientieren können.
Die letzten 10 Sendungen können Sie kostenlos hören - alle früheren Sendungen gegen eine geringe Gebühr in unserem Shop herunterladen.
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Das Abenteuer Zukunft
Dr. Luise Maria Sommer
Stricken, Häkeln und weitere Handarbeiten - Das Leben einer Stricksüchtiger Person. +++++ Big-Brother is watching me. Möchten Sie wissen, was ich gerade stricke oder häkle, aus welchem Garn, Muster... Was gibt es Neues auf dem Strickmarkt? Dann schalten Sie ein und lassen Sie sich inspirieren...
Maschenkunst Strickmonolog
Zur Neuinszenierung von Anton Tschechows PLATONOW durch den belgischen Regisseur Luk Perceval stellt die Schaubuehne als erstes Theater in Deutschland vom 6. bis 26. Mai 2006 taeglich einen Podcast unter dem Titel "WO BLEIBT PLATONOW? - der Premieren-Countdown von radioschaubuehne" bereit. Die je 2- bis 3-minuetigen Beitraege beinhalten unter anderem Hintergrundinformationen zum Stueck, Aktuelles aus dem Produktionsprozess, Beitraege zu Themen des Stuecks sowie diverse "Off-topics".
Wo Bleibt Platonow? - Der Premieren-Countdown von radioschaubuehne
Der neue Foto-Podcast mit Boris und Chris, zwei alten Hasen in Podcastland. Alles was ihr über Fotografie immer wissen wolltet, aber euch nie zu fragen getraut habt.
Happy Shooting - Der Foto-Podcast
Sports Report: Sports Action From All Over The World
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Sports Report brings you 15 jammed-packed minutes of current Sports Action, especially Germany's Bundesliga ...testing
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Club, Dance, Electro, Techno Music Podcast by the TRAEXS.COM Directory of free Music, Film and Video Sites
TRAEXS.COM Music Podcast
Sports Report brings you 15 jammed-packed minutes of current Sports Action, especially Germany's Bundesliga
Sports Report: Sports Action From All Over The World
DW-WORLD.DE | Deutsche Welle
ELEKTROCAST V2.0 - Podcasting the finest electronic music! Powered By Elektrotribe records in Berlin, the podcast features weekly episodes of elektrotribe artist network, including videos produced by our Vjs, dj mixes and live acts. The finest electronic music served on a dish, choose your feed style : Elektro / DnB / Hiphop / trance, put the volume up and Enjoy!
Newslink Plus brings you 60 jammed-packed minutes of of breaking news, international current affairs and reports from Germany and around Europe. Join our regular hosts Rick Demarest, John Doyle and Steve Zwick for an inside view of what's happening around the world. Listen to Newslink Plus here on the Internet or sign up for the podcast.
Newslink Plus: News and Current Affairs
DW-WORLD.DE | Deutsche Welle
Short and sweet - with non-techy tips that you can put to use immediately. Covers everything from image composition to post processing. No matter if you use a digital point-and-shoot or an expensive digital SLR. With a good sense of humour, Chris Marquardt manages to convey tips for the beginner as well as the professional photographer
Digital Photography Tips from the Top Floor (Audio/Video)
Club, Dance, Electro, Techno Music Podcast by the TRAEXS.COM Directory of free Music, Film and Video Sites
TRAEXS.COM Music Podcast
Exploring the environmental issues facing the world today. this prize-winning weekly radio magazine brings you environmental news, background reports, interviews and features from our international network of correspondents.
Living Planet: Living Planet: Environment Matters Around the World
DW-WORLD.DE | Deutsche Welle
Software Engineering Radio is a podcast targeted at the professional software developer. The goal is to be a lasting educational resource, not a newscast. Every ten days, a new episode is published that covers all topics software engineering. Episodes are either tutorials on a specific topic, or an interview with a well-known character from the software engineering world. All SE Radio episodes are original content ? we do not record conferences or talks given in other venues. Each episode comprises two speakers to ensure a lively listening experience. SE Radio is an independent and non-commercial organization.
Software Engineering Radio - the podcast for professional software developers
German for advanced intermediate learners: Join Andreas and his mysterious ex on their exciting adventures. Grammar: Past tense, subordinate clauses, declination of adjectives. [English Version]
Deutsch - warum nicht? Series 3 | Learning German | Deutsche Welle
DW-WORLD.DE | Deutsche Welle
Knitt according to these audio instructions. Enjoy the fun of being nicely surprised once your work is done:-) Share the pictures of your finished pattern by sending it to
Secret Knitting
Monthly DJ-Mix of the best new and classic Dark Club Music tracks by DJ Barus!
(Industrial, EBM, Hardstyle, Dark-Trance, Goth, Cyber, Synthpop, Noise, Hellectro, Aggrotech, Electro)
Dark E Mix (Industrial, Gothic, EBM, Hardstyle)
pure music, techno house dance music podcast techno dance music podcast presents it´s new audio show: Chaishop Bleep - a monthly journey through the world of electro, house, techno and minimal tunes. Recorded at studios in Hamburg, Germany. is the world´s No.1 website for Trance & Trance culture and has been active for 9 years. As the trance scene is opening up for new styles of electronic music, this show has been specially created to show the world what electro, house and techno have to offer. Expect only great music on this show!
Chaishop Bleep (Electro, Techno, House)
Inside Europe, a one-hour weekly news magazine hosted by Helen Seeney, explores the topical issues shaping the continent. No other part of the globe has experienced such dynamic political and social change in recent years.
Inside Europe: Inside Europe: the Inside Take on European Affairs
DW-WORLD.DE | Deutsche Welle
Sports Report brings you 15 jammed-packed minutes of current Sports Action, especially Germany's Bundesliga
Sports Report: Sports Action From All Over The World
DW-WORLD.DE | Deutsche Welle
pure music, jazz funk trip hop music podcast jazz funk trip hop music podcast
Making Music: Songwriting and Music in progress -see behind the scene, how songs get written and how ideas get developed into songs. It is a site for the roughs of songs before production, usually on a mobile device. Hosted by Brian Kelley
Mobile version here:
ELEKTROCAST V2.0 - Podcasting the finest electronic music! Powered By Elektrotribe records in Berlin, the podcast features weekly episodes of elektrotribe artist network, including videos produced by our Vjs, dj mixes and live acts. The finest electronic music served on a dish, choose your feed style : Elektro / DnB / Hiphop / trance, put the volume up and Enjoy!
podcast & weblog
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