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Personal Journals
Never the same river twice looks at the flow of time and circumstance as the architect of change in Northeast Minneapolis. Starting at the banks of the Mississippi River we follow the river and the development of the Bottineau area since Pierre Bottineau himself first purchased this land. We will see the influences of the arrival of European immigrants, the migration of artists from the Warehouse district and the newest immigrant communities as they all resolve to make Northeast not only their home, but their neighborhood. Celebrate the hard work and innovation of neighbors past and present by walking in their footsteps and hearing their stories.
Northeast Minneapolis Audio-guided Walking Tours
Simplexity in Design is a design blog, now turned into a podcast. My name is Alexandre Joyce and I am a researcher at the Formlab of the University of Montreal. My Master's program is called: "Design and Complexity".
This master's degree research project proposes a new way to integrate more people into the design process. This is the beginning of the age of crowdsourcing creativity. The hypothesis of that user generated content represents a potential source of creativity pertinent to researching for design.
Simplexity of Design
Feature interviews from journalist and broadcaster, Claudia Cragg
Chatting Up A Storm with Claudia Cragg
Do scientists and designers have distinctive ringtones, and why? I questioned keynote-speakers and visitors at the symposium 'Creative Communities and Design' 2005 about the sounddesign of their cellphone.
A survey with surprising results!
Thanks to EMUDE (EMerging User DEmands for sustainable solutions), Simone Maase, Josephine Green (Philips Design), Francois Jegou, Ezio Manzini (Politecnico Milano), John Thackara (Doors of Perception), coffeelady and students Technical University Eindhoven.
Ringtone survey
This is the podcast for Design 100, the Design Thinking course taught by Professor Marvin Malecha, FAIA, at NC State University's College of Design.
D100 Design Thinking
Nanette davis weaves together hand-dyed silk fabric with aluminum foil, acetate and screening to create her unique sculptural baskets and wall hangings. Her journey has been full of experimentation and surprises.
Nanette Davis weaves her way to creative living.
Marketing, Culture and Smart Design
Smart Method Blog
PBS and our member stations are America’s largest classroom, the nation’s largest stage for the arts and a trusted window to the world. In addition, PBS's educational media helps prepare children for success in school and opens up the world to them in an age-appropriate way.
We invite you to find out more about America’s largest public media enterprise.
Our mission is simple. We want to promote the use of audio and video educational material for personal and professional development. What does this mean? It means that we want to help you to see how you can turn 'dead time' (time spent commuting, exercising, doing chores, etc.) into 'learning time.'
Audio Books, Podcasts, Videos, and Free Downloads to Learn From
CBC/Radio-Canada is Canada's national public broadcaster and one of this country's largest cultural institutions. Through the delivery of a comprehensive range of radio, television, Internet, and satellite-based services, CBC-Radio/Canada is available how, where, and when Canadians want it
CBC Radio
CNET is the premier destination for tech product reviews, news, price comparisons, free software downloads, daily videos, and podcasts.
Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech news - CNET
NPR (National Public Radio) is an internationally acclaimed producer and distributor of noncommercial news, talk, and entertainment programming. A privately supported, not-for-profit membership organization, NPR serves a growing audience of 27.5 million Americans each week in partnership with more than 860 independently operated, noncommercial public radio stations.
J.C. Hutchins is an award-winning fiction and nonfiction storyteller, with 15 years of professional writing experience. His two novels – 7th Son: Descent and Personal Effects: Dark Art — were published in 2009 by St. Martin’s Press.
J.C. Hutchins
WNYC 93.9 FM and AM 820 are New York's flagship public radio stations, broadcasting the finest programs from National Public Radio and Public Radio International, as well as a wide range of award-winning local programming.
Public Radio International/WNYC
Hong Kong's biggest Radio and TV
RTHK ON INTERNET offers Language Learning Podcasts in Arabic, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Italian, Russian, and Spanish.
Language Learning with Free Podcasts
American Public Media, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, is the largest owner and operator of public radio stations and a premier producer and distributor of public radio programming in the nation. It is also the largest producer and distributor of classical music programming in the United States.
American Public Media
Home | American Public Media
Contemporary drama in a rural setting from the world's longest running radio soap opera.
BBC Radio 4
Munchcast is a weekly netcast that highlights and celebrates junk food. Enjoy mouthwatering new episodes at Your guides on this fattening but delicious jaunt are Cammy Blackstone and Leo Laporte.
Cammy Blackstone and Leo Laporte
TED is a small nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading -- through, our annual conferences, the annual TED Prize and local TEDx events.
TED: Ideas worth spreading
HowStuffWorks explains thousands of topics, from engines to lock-picking to ESP, with video and illustrations so you can learn how everything works.
HowStuffWorks - Learn How Everything Works!
Slate is a daily magazine on the Web. Founded in 1996, we are a general-interest publication offering analysis and commentary about politics, news, business, technology, and culture
Slate Magazine
The New York Times is an American daily newspaper founded and continuously published in New York City since 1851. The New York Times has won 106 Pulitzer Prizes, the most of any news organization.[3] Its website is the most popular American online newspaper website, receiving more than 30 million unique visitors per month.[4]
The New York Times
Learn a language with the Radio Lingua Network: download our free audio lessons, or take your learning to the next stage with our learning materials.
Radio Lingua Network
Radio Lingua Network: Language-learning where and when it suits you
Joe Connolly’s lively and interesting business reports are heard by 2 million people every week on WCBS 880 in New York and by millions more nationally through syndication. Officially, Joe works for the Wall Street Journal, where his primary job is to provide business reports for WCBS Newsradio 880.
Joe Connolly
Breaking News, Latest News and Current News from Breaking news and video. Latest Current News: U.S., World, Entertainment, Health, Business, Technology, Politics, Sports.
FNC iMag - Breaking News | Latest News | Current News
Next time the show will revolve around Rouge’s Double Dead Guy Ale, so scrape up some for drinking along if you can find it. And if you happen to be a fan of horror fiction, especially of the podcasted variety, crack open/download your favorite novel or short story and get reading/listening.
Charlie the Beer Guy
Schloß Schönbrunn - Reprezentační sály a soukromé komnaty v tzv. „Noblesním patře“
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Již v 17. století stál na místě dnešního schönbrunnského zámku letohrádek, který si dali Habsburkové pro svou potěchu postavit. Tento letohrádek však byl v roce 1683 během druhého tureckého obléhání zcela zničen. Po vítězství nad osmanskými Turky pověřil císař Leopold I. slavného rakouského barokního architekta Johanna Bernharda Fischera z Erlachu výstavbou loveckého zámečku, který by byl využíván dvorskou společností při honech. O půl století později přikázala císařovna Marie Terezie svému dvornímu architektovi Nicolausovi Pacassimu, aby Schönbrunn přestavěl v rokokovém stylu. Císařovna prohlásila zámek za svou oficiální letní rezidenci a trávila zde s oblibou s celým svým dvorem, který sestával z více než 1.500 osob, letní měsíce. Členové císařské rodiny přispěli osobně – jak se o tom za malou chvíli sami přesvědčíte – k vybavení a vzhledu jednotlivých místností. A až se seznámíte s kulturou bydlení tehdejších vladařů a jejich každodenním životem zjistíte, že právě díky této skutečnosti je historie zámku stále živá. Avšak také potomci Marie Terezie zanechali v Schönbrunnu svůj rukopis a kus své vlastní osobnosti. Byl to především prapravnuk velké panovnice císař František Josef, který se zde narodil a po 68 letech vlády v roce 1916 zde také zemřel. Až vystoupáte do prvního patra, dejte se vpravo a vkročte do komnaty nazvané „Fischgrätzimmer“, což v překladu znamená „Pokoj se vzorem rybí kostry“. Podíváte-li se oknem na levé straně komnaty uvidíte, že okno vede do Velkého císařského dvora, který patří k Dětskému muzeu. V této části zámku se můžete dozvědět mnoho zajímavostí o všedním a každodenním životě u císařského dvora a také si můžete leccos sami vyzkoušet. Vpravo můžete otevřenými dveřmi nahlédnout do pokoje tak zvaného křídelního adjutanta. Hlavní náplní práce tohoto adjutanta bylo okamžité předávání důležitých vojenských zpráv císaři. Tímto lze vysvětlit okolnost, že byl adjutant ubytován v tak těsné blízkosti panovníka.
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Podcastová rubrika portálu APATYKÁŘ.info "Hovory z Kuksu". Zde naleznete rozhovory s Mgr. Ladislavou Valáškovou, Ph.D. a doc. RNDr. PhMr. Václavem Ruskem, CSc. z Českého farmaceutického muzea v Kuksu. Nejen o historii lékárenství a lékáren, ale i o aktuálních akcích pro návštěvníky tohoto i z evropského pohledu jedinečného muzea.
APATYKÁŘ.info - Hovory z Kuksu
Podcastová rubrika portálu APATYKÁŘ.info "Podcast pro hosta". Zde naleznete podcasty osobnostmi české a slovenské farmacie, ale i se zajímavými lidmi, kteří mají vztah (nejen) k farmacii, lékárenství a lékárenské péči.
APATYKÁŘ.info - Podcast pro hosta
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