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Job Trites was thirty-nine years old when he was mustered into Iowa's 26th V.I. He was nearly twice the age of most of the men who enlisted with him. Chronicles of War follows Job's and his family's experience of the Civil War.
Job Trites was an ancestor of mine. Through historical documents, Civil War records, soldier's diaries and letters, I've endeavored to take readers back to the times and experiences of the Army of the Mississippi during the fall and winter of 1862-1863, and particularly, the Battle for Arkansas Post.
Chronicles of War
The Halloween Haunt, hosted by the Halloween Haunter features history, customs, traditions, as well as spooky stories and poems. Most episodes 5 minutes or under.
Halloween Haunt
Never the same river twice looks at the flow of time and circumstance as the architect of change in Northeast Minneapolis. Starting at the banks of the Mississippi River we follow the river and the development of the Bottineau area since Pierre Bottineau himself first purchased this land. We will see the influences of the arrival of European immigrants, the migration of artists from the Warehouse district and the newest immigrant communities as they all resolve to make Northeast not only their home, but their neighborhood. Celebrate the hard work and innovation of neighbors past and present by walking in their footsteps and hearing their stories.
Northeast Minneapolis Audio-guided Walking Tours
Brian Lehrer and his guests take on the issues dominating conversation in New York and around the world. This daily program from WNYC, New York Public Radio cuts through the usual talk radio punditry and brings a smart, humane approach to the day's events.
WNYC's Brian Lehrer Show
WNYC Culture
Ven history at its Best and Worst.
Crimson Sorrow
WEB、BLOG、SECONDLIFEと連動して制作される「PODCASTLIFE RADIO」。チコさんが、全国のロゼッタストーンメンバーやその他ゲストを招いて、バラエティに富んだ話を展開します。旅行、グルメ、趣味、時には仮想現実世界やネット事情など近未来的ベクトルを持ったメディア融合番組の一つです。・・・数千キロ離れたところに住むゲストをネットで結んで、リアルタイムに収録するラジオ番組「PODCASTLIFE RADIO」を是非お聞き下さい。
Discovering the history of fashion. Brought to you by RCC 106.7 FM.
Fashion Fads
Beppe Grillo was born in Genoa in 1948. He discovered his talents in the venues of his own city, but it was in Milan that he found true success when he had an audition in front of a RAI committee (at which Pippo Baudo was present) and he improvised a monologue. This gave rise to his first appearances on TV (Secondo Voi 1977-78 and Luna Park 1979) when he immediately established himself with his satirical monologues and thus breaking with the traditions of “professional” TV broadcasting.
Beppe Grillo
Imago is and is going to become a "World radio".
The audience rating is clear: Imago has got regular listeners in every web covered corner in the world. From Greece to China, from the USA to Sweden, from Cape Town to Tokyo, Baden Baden and Sydney.
Radio Imago
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La galleria di comici di Radio2, i talenti emergenti accanto a quelli "emersi" da tempo. Uno scrigno prezioso pieno zeppo di risate.
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Il podcast della musica comica e demenziale italiana - Il portale della musica comica e demenziale italiana
Il podcast di RadioNation, Macchianera, MacchiaRadio
Podcast fatto in bagno,seduto sul trono, commentando quello che succede sfogliando siti di news. Spesso mi capita di parlare di podcast, tanto che ho scritto delle FAQ e un newsgroup
Il podcast di RadioNation, Macchianera, MacchiaRadio
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