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The Future Health Professionals, student consortium at Northeastern Illinois University, share a wealth of knowledge to the world. Feel free to subscribe to it and expect quarterly updates. More information can be found at our website. Thanks for making us part of your world.
fhp .:. Talk
Abilities! is dedicated to creating a world in which people with disabilities will live simply as people. In this world, people with disabilities will have the same opportunities as all other people, be treated with dignity and respect, and have access to all the benefits of our society.
Abilities! is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit agency that is dedicated to empowering people with disabilities to be active, independent, and self sufficient participants in our society. Through education, training, research, leadership, and example, Abilities! seeks to provide the highest quality services and to influence national attitudes, policies, and legislation in ways that will lead to the greatest benefits for the people we serve.
Abilities! Podcasts
This podcast is the didactic lecture audio and procedure video from the University of Iowa Department of Emergency Medicine.
The University of Iowa Department of Emergency Medicine
This is the a year-long course in Anatomy and Physiology. Lectures are presented to you by Dr. Gerald Cizadlo of the College of St. Scholastica. The information provided will be of interest to students and those planning careers in science and medicine, as well as current practitioners in the field. Please note: The content and opinions expressed here belong to the author and are not necessarily endorsed by The College of St. Scholastica. For the course outline or to view a digital blackboard of images associated with these lectures, please visit the Web site at:
Biology 2110-2120: Anatomy and Physiology with Doc C
Lecture audio from this Fall, 2007 course in Pathophysiology is presented to you by Dr. Gerald Cizadlo of the College of St. Scholastica. These lectures will be of interest to students,those planning careers in science and medicine,and current practitioners in the field. Please note: The content and opinions expressed here belong to the author and are not necessarily endorsed by The College of St. Scholastica. For the course outline and/or to view a digital blackboard of images associated with these lectures, please visit the Web site at:
Biology 3020 -- Pathophysiology with Doc C
pA show about all things Pritzker. Email your questions to
pIn its size, geographic location, and organizational structure, in the diversity of its student body, and in the strong bonds of its community, the Pritzker School of Medicine at the University of Chicago offers a unique environment for medical education. As a medical school located on the campus of a world-class university, its medical students have the opportunity to take advantage of the resources of one of the greatest centers of learning in the country. Its student body is one whose boundless enthusiasm for learning, service, investigation and science is matched only by its enthusiasm for teamwork, friendship, and making the most of the great city of Chicago./p
Pritzker Podcast
This is a year-long course in Advanced Physiology. Lectures are presented to you by Dr. Gerald Cizadlo of the College of St. Scholastica. The information provided will be of interest to students and those planning careers in science and medicine, as well as current practitioners in the field. Please note: The content and opinions expressed here belong to the author and are not necessarily endorsed by The College of St. Scholastica. For the course outline and/or to view a digital blackboard of images associated with the lectures, please visit the Web site at
Biology 4120/4220 -- Advanced Physiology with Doc C
As a media enterprise around the world, the Nikkei group contributes to the development of an affluent and intellegent society by creatng new value in the economy, quality of life, and culture
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