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Los Angeles-based film distributor specializing in tailored digital and day-and-date releases for quality independent and festival-driven features
Go Digital
GoDigital | digital delivered.
We focus on English content made by independent movie makers. As of now we have more than 300 feature length movies and more than 10,000 Educational and other entertainment Videos. We also help independent movie makers to set up their marketing and exhibition
across the Globe.
DocknDeal Movies
JeridooTV offers a variety of interesting documentaries, movies and short films.
Jeridoo TV
The FreeStyle Life is the premier online film exhibition that features first rate feature films, documentaries, student films, music videos, and shorts from independent filmmakers across the globe.
FreeStyle Life Film Exhibition
The FreeStyle Life Film and Music Video Exhibition 2012 - The FreeStyle Life
The Sunscreen Film Festival Presents great independent films from a wide variety of genres. Entertaining, fun, thought provoking, make you laugh, cry and jump from your seat films from the US and around the world.
Since 2006 the Sunscreen Film Festival has been delivering outstanding programming in sunny and postcard perfect St. Petersburg, Florida, and now that programming is available to you.
Ranked as one of the “25 Coolest Film Festivals in the Country” by MovieMaker Magazine and Voted Best Film Festival in the Tampa Bay area for 2012 by Tampa Bay magazine.
Sunscreen Film Festival
The Best in Independent Films; Comedies, Action, Thrillers, Documentaries, Dramas and more
Celebrating Canadian cult, genre, and independent films.
Shivers Film Society - Canadian genre & cult film programming
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Visitors to the beautiful mystical town of Sedona encounter eccentric characters and a series of fateful disasters that lead them to unexpected life transformations.
Director: Tommy Stovall
Producer: Marc Sterling, Tommy Stovall, Ebony Tay
Actors: Frances Fisher, Seth Peterson, Barry Corbin, Christopher Atkins, Matthew J. Williamson, Tatanka Means, Lin Shaye, Beth Grant
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Featured in Action & Adventure
Dr. Felix Copper is a doctor of Biological Sciences and is on a quest to find a solution to purifying radiation from water in the year 2022, ten years after the fall of humankind. He has to travel to the far outreaches of every city known, trying to make his way to the coveted underground lab, if the Mutants don't get him first. Along the way he meets some unwarranted friends, Sam and William, two off the cuff heroes who cause more problems than they fix, and Aco, a super-model turned weapons expert. Together, Dr. Copper just might survive long enough to find a cure.
Experiment 7
Sunscreen Film Festival
Suspension of Disbelief heisst: die Aufhebung des Unglaubens oder auch das Ausserkraftsetzen von Zweifeln. Ein Begriff, der seinen Ursprung in der Kunst findet und sehr oft in Filmen angewendet wird. Wieviel Unmögliches verzeiht der Zuschauer dem Filmemacher? Jedes Mal, wenn etwas Unglaubliches über die Leinwand flimmert und der Zuschauer es annehmen kann, dann hat “Suspension of Disbelief” statt gefunden.
Der Kurzfilm erzählt die Geschichte von Telly Sanders, einem 31-jährigen Amerikaner. Er ist schwer verliebt in Valerie, ein wunderschönes Mädchen. Die beiden scheinen das perfekte Paar zu sein. Als jedoch Telly’s langjähriger Jugendfreund Sam in deren Leben tritt, scheint die innige Liebe aus der Bahn geworfen zu werden.
Telly musste als kleiner Junge zuschauen, wie seine Mutter fremdging und war machtlos. Die darauf folgende Scheidung seiner Eltern hat ihn zutiefst geprägt; seine Mutter verliess die Familie und kam nie wieder zurück.
Es sieht so aus, als ob ihn die Vergangenheitserlebnisse einholen und er diese neu durchleben muss. Telly erwischt Valerie und Sam im Café, beim Nachhausekommen und später sogar im Bett. Anstatt die beiden sofort zu stellen, entscheidet er sich zu warten. Jedoch zu lange.
Irgendwann wird es ihm zuviel und er dreht durch. Blind und verrückt vor Eifersucht entführt er Sam, um diesen zu stellen. Telly will wissen, warum Sam ihm so etwas antun will. Dieser schweigt jedoch und geht anfangs auf Telly’s Drohungen nicht ein. Mit dem wachsenden Druck gesteht er, Val gekannt zu haben und dass er und Val für eine Zeit lang sogar ein Paar gewesen sind.
Der Zorn übermannt Telly und er wirft sich auf Sam. Es kommt zu einem tragischen Unfall; Sam liegt blutend und regungslos am Boden.
Telly findet Sam’s Tagebuch, welches ihn zu dem Moment zurückkehren lässt, wo die blinde Eifersucht entstanden ist. Telly muss feststellen, dass die Eifersucht seine Wahrnehmung eingehüllt hat und er nur noch das gesehen hat, was er sehen wollte. Aber was ist wirklich geschehen?
Die Aufhebung des Unglaubens
Jeridoo TV
Visitors to the beautiful mystical town of Sedona encounter eccentric characters and a series of fateful disasters that lead them to unexpected life transformations.
Director: Tommy Stovall
Producer: Marc Sterling, Tommy Stovall, Ebony Tay
Actors: Frances Fisher, Seth Peterson, Barry Corbin, Christopher Atkins, Matthew J. Williamson, Tatanka Means, Lin Shaye, Beth Grant
In one of his most memorable roles, Burt Reynolds portrays a moonshine whiskey runner who turns state's witness to avenge the murder of a boy no one understood.
White Lightning
A team of undercover narcotics agents is conducting an investigation when things mysteriously begin to go haywire. One by one, the squad is eliminated by an assassin. To help discover the identity of the karate killer, the police enlist the aid of karate champion Matt Logan.
A Force of One
This satirical account of wartime Victorian England elicits brilliant performances by John Gielgud and Vanessa Redgrave in a tale of the contrasts between aristocracy and the squalor of the lower classes.
Charge Of The Light Brigade
Two separate stories are intricately woven throughout this unique film of friendship and love.
A group of people have completed a program to overcome their severe fear of flying and choose to celebrate with a group flight. They soon discover that there are good reasons to be afraid of flying when a group of terrorists highjack their jet.
Turbulence II: Fear Of Flying
British special agent Jack Marlow is called in on a risky mission to save a U.S. ambassador and prevent Europe from declaring a catastrophic war.
Frank Harper's screenplay follows two infamous London gangsters, Mickey Mannock and Ray Collishaw. Both men are top of the food chain when their world is turned upside down as they lose a shipment of the Russian Mafia's cocaine.
Berlin Job
Detective Mitch Walker (Johnny Messner) doubts veteran Jack Simon's (Timothy Woodward Jr.) guilt in a recent machine gun attack on innocent civilians. When Walker receives a phone call in the middle of the night from Clarence Peterson, (Mickey Rourke) luring him to a park the next day if "he wants the truth," Walker sees no choice but to investigate. When he receives a vial of blue liquid and a flash drive from Peterson, Walker doesn't realize he's gotten himself involved in the top-secret, highly dangerous, military program SWAP, run by a private contractor, Kyle Norris, (Tom Sizemore) who lost his son in the Pentagon attack a year prior. In opposition to demands from his captain, Doug Ryan (Michael Pare) and partner Phil Ross, (Cullen Chambers) Walker can't help but to investigate the already closed case of Jack Simon. He takes the flash drive to an experienced hacker, Victor (Jon Foo). Next thing Walker knows someone intentionally crashes into his car endangering not only his life but also his daughter's Katie (Kelea Skelton). Walker is put on suspension after taking Peterson into custody for questioning. With no badge and someone wanting to danger his daughter and wife, (Taylor Cole) Walker wants nothing more to do with whatever it is he was looking for. However, when Walker wakes up face to face with Norris, in a military complex, handcuffed, connected to tubes and the clock ticking until he is entered into the SWAP system, he doesn't have a choice. Walker must fight the clock with the help of the program's creator, Chris Downey (Chris Damon), before Norris has complete control over his brain, body and consciousness.
A team of adventurous Los Angeles executives head to the remote woods of Northern California for a wilderness weekend. The objective is to build their stamina and spirit. But when their game goes awry, they realize they arent alone in the backwoods, and whoevers out there is playing games with them.
A power-hungry ruler known as King Bohan seeks to obtain the long-protected "Heavenly Sword" in order to use its devastating power for evil. Why doesn't anyone ever use immensely powerful swords for good anymore?
Heavenly Sword
Travis and his team are tasked with finding a mysterious monster in a remote corner of China. However, a ruthless trophy hunter is also trying to track it down and will stop at nothing to get his long awaited kill.
An historical epic about a great Mayan king who moves his surviving tribesmen to the coast, where tense rivalries and political conflict will result in a savage war.
Kings Of The Sun
A fast-paced dynamo about two Harlem cops (Godfrey Cambridge and Raymond St. Jacques) assigned to thwart a charismatic preacher's attempt to extort money from neighborhood locals.
Cotton Comes To Harlem
A novice monk embarks on a mission to safely deliver a powerful holy book to a monastery. However a group of Vikings are in pursuit and will stop at nothing to get the book. Can he fulfill his duty without coming to any harm?
A Viking Saga: The Darkest Day
Nicole Stone is flying home on her familys private jet when a lightning storm cripples the plane and knocks out the crew. Now, 13-year-old Nicole is the only person left to fly the plane.
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