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العربية (المملكة العربية السعودية)
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Fostering Student Success on the OAT-Reading, Grades 5-7: Reading and Writing Informational Text provides classroom teachers, literacy and curriculum specialists, and other leaders in English language arts education with instructional strategies for supporting student success with informational texts in the classroom and on the Ohio Achievement Test-Reading. Watch webcasts that present 30-minute panel discussions exploring the teaching-learning implications sample OAT items, student responses, and ELA content standards suggest in relation to the reading and writing of informational text. Use the webcast viewing guide to initiate or continue professional dialogue and instructional planning on enhancing literacy in your school or district. In addition, take advantage of the webcasts’ mini-collections--small sets of ORC resources containing additional instructional examples, lesson ideas, and supplemental resource materials. Lastly, use the reference bibliographies provided for further information and reflection on effective teaching with informational texts.
Fostering Student Success on the OAT-Reading, Grades 5-7
I will teach you to speak English easily and quickly using my Effortless English system. You can finally be a fantastic English speaker, not just a good English reader.
Effortless English Podcast
Transparent Language's Portuguese Blog podcast, featuring great articles on topics such as the Portuguese language, slang, grammar, vocabulary, Brazilian culture, music, art and film and much more!
Portuguese Blog
This podcast is for intermidiate learners and beginers.I will be very glad to hear from you that it helps your learning. Also, any suggestions and questions about this podcast will be appreciated.
Learn Korean
This is a podcast to provide extra support to our Latin classes.
Lingua Latina
A picture says a thousand words, and at 15 frames a second we're going to be saying a lot!!! Being the only true international language, body language is key to communication, and in this videocast, you can see the body movements that go along with the Japanese. In the video version, the same great staff from (podcast version) bring you basic and practical Japanese with subtitle's in Romaji (Roman alphabet), Hiragana (Japanese alphabet) and Kanji (Chinese characters). These videocasts are designed in tandum with our podcasts to consolidate the audio lessons!
Learn Japanese | (Video)
Alexa's famous french For Beginners' classes have now been rebranded as Learn French With Alexa.
Learn French With Alexa
Deutsche Welle is Germany’s international broadcaster that produces television, radio and online content in 30 languages. It provides a European perspective to its global audience and promotes intercultural dialogue.
DW-WORLD.DE | Deutsche Welle
Hong Kong's biggest Radio and TV
RTHK ON INTERNET offers Language Learning Podcasts in Arabic, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Italian, Russian, and Spanish.
Language Learning with Free Podcasts
Contemporary drama in a rural setting from the world's longest running radio soap opera.
BBC Radio 4
Learn a language with the Radio Lingua Network: download our free audio lessons, or take your learning to the next stage with our learning materials.
Radio Lingua Network
Radio Lingua Network: Language-learning where and when it suits you
As a media enterprise around the world, the Nikkei group contributes to the development of an affluent and intellegent society by creatng new value in the economy, quality of life, and culture
Københavns Universitet
staiton81.comは新しいメディアの可能性を追求していく企画・制作・配信・販売を行う会社です。 (森èæ£æ´)
The channel aims at non-Chinese speaking person getting familiar with Chinese and could learn basic word and daily-used phrases in Chinese by circumstances which occur everyday in one's life. As a Chinese language teaching Channel, all the items such as phonetics vocabulary, character and grammar are well selected and organized according to principles of a second language acquisition. Besides Chinese it also offers chances for you to understand more about China and Chinese people.
Chinese Learing Planet
For Better
Showcasing the excellence and diversity of the nation's premier research university, UCTV embraces the core missions of the University of California - teaching, research and public service - through quality, in-depth television that informs, educates and enriches the lives of people around the globe.
IDでログインすると、一部のコースを除き学習データを引き継ぐことができます。 最新ニュース: 5月19日: 法人向け英語学習
Making a salad
Portuguese Blog
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Transparent Language's Portuguese Blog podcast, featuring great articles on topics such as the Portuguese language, slang, grammar, vocabulary, Brazilian culture, music, art and film and much more!
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العربية (المملكة العربية السعودية) \ Video \ Language
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Today we’re going to look at some food and cooking vocabulary by making a salad together in Portuguese and English. We’re going to look a very simple recipe with some simple words.
Salada simples (Simple Salad)
Ingredientes (Ingredients)
- 1 alface americana (I head of lettuce)
- 2 cenouras raladas (2 peeled carrots)
- 1 beterraba ralada (1 peeled beet)
- [...]
Making a salad
The funny thing about idioms is that sometimes its literal meaning is totally absurd and non-sense. That is visible in “Pequeno dicionário ilustrado de expressões idiomáticas” - “The little idioms illustrated dictionary”. Below you can see a couple of the images:
Sem pé nem cabeça Pagando o pato
To check more images visit
Check the meaning [...]
Idioms illustrated
Studying history in Portuguese can be difficult if you’re still learning the language, but there are plenty of great resources online in English for Brazilian history. Today, I present you with a fantastic discovery, found on The Good Blood Brazilian culture blog: “Gigantic Brazil and Its Glittering Capitals.”
The article, written for National Geographic Magazine eighty [...]
Brazil, Cerca 1930
Olodum is an internationally renowned band from Salvador with amazing percussion. Today, we’re going to do some listening practice with their song Requebra. This is another Carnival song as we quickly approach February!
Requebra, requebra, requebra assim
pode falar, pode rir de mim
Deusa de marron
Jeito sensual
Quando ela passa agita a cidade
pois é carnaval.
Deusa de marron
Jeito sensual
Quando ela [...]
Lyrics Practice: Olodum
It’s important to learn the Brazilian states and their capitals, especially if you plan on traveling in Brazil. Today, we’re going to review them and also see what some of the states and cities mean in English when translated from Portuguese.
Acre – Rio Branco [sharp, pungent, acrid] [White River]
Alagoas – Maceió
Amapá – Macapá
Amazonas – Manaus [...]
Brazil’s States and Capitals
The science of language acquisition has already proven that people tend to learn more and better in a relaxed environment and with funny material. That’s why I’m gonna talk about comedy in Brazil. More specifically about standup comedy.
Brazilians are famous for being a happy people and having good sense of humor. However this kind of [...]
Laugh and learn
A teacher from Porto Alegre has an interesting hobby that has taken him to the other end of the country: kayaking the Amazon.
Hiram Reis e Silva, age 58, has already kayaked several tributaries, including the 1,600 kilometer Rio Solimões. Now, he’s kayaking the 950 km long Rio Negro, which has very few inhabitants along its [...]
The Brazen Kayaker
Let’s take a look at the headlines from business and economy in Brazil this week:
Vale eyes Brazilian fertilizer assets, Financier Worldwide
Vale deve roubar mercado de gigantes da mineração neste ano, Estadão
Brazil Alupar completes $141 million debenture issue, Wall Street Journal
Brazil Petrobras signs deal…, Wall Street Journal
Azul transporta 2.2 milhões de passageiros em seu primeiro ano, [...]
Brazil Economic News
With a song that is sure to brighten your Monday, to practice for Carnival which is rapidly approaching, and in honor of one of our Transparent colleagues currently in Bahia, here is Carlinhos Brown’s song “Maria Caipirinha.” Follow along with the lyrics, which are fairly straightforward.
Tê tê tê
Tetetê tetê
Tê tê tê tetê tetetê…
Samba da Bahia
Samba [...]
Lyrics Practice: Carlinhos Brown
Today we’re going to take a look at the big headlines this week coming out of Brazil.
Alligator kills 11-year-old girl in Brazil, MSNBC
Sugar output in Brazil’s Center-South may be 35 million tons, Business Week
Brazil’s Lula sends anti-fraud bill to Congress, Reuters
Brazil’s middle class grows to nearly 50 percent of the population, Latin American Herald Tribune
Robinho [...]
Brazil News Headlines
Ivete Sangalo is one of the great stars of Salvador’s Carnival, so this week we’re going to use one of her older hits (Sorte Grande) to do some listening practice
Key words:
poeira = dust
emoção = emotion
sorriso = smile
pedaço = piece
verdadeiro = true
sorte = luck
A minha sorte grande,
Foi você cair do céu,
Minha paixão verdadeira.
Viver a emoção,
Ganhar teu [...]
Lyrics Practice: Ivete Sangalo
Did you know that some Japanese words actually come from Portuguese? This Luso influence dates back to the 1500s, when the Portuguese established trade with Japan, the first Europeans to manage the journey. Through traders and missionaries, the Portuguese brought new words and products to Japan, and thus a lasting cultural influence.
Let’s check out some [...]
Japanese Words of Portuguese Origin
Today we’re going to do a reading comprehension exercise with a travel story from Estadão.
Herança colonial com aroma de café
[Click above to read the full article]
“Atrás da imponente portaria surge uma casa grande marcada por uma fileira de janelas coloniais azuis perfeitamente retangulares na fachada. Herança de um tempo em que as economias do açúcar [...]
Reading Comprehension Practice
Talking to people on the Internet to learn a language is probably the next best thing if you can’t go abroad. That’s why I’m providing you with 10 useful phrases to use when you meet a new person on the Internet. Be sure to wait for the right moment before asking for personal information as [...]
First time meeting questions
Today we’re going to use the pop rock band Charlie Brown Jr. to practice listening. This song, Me encontra, is useful for reviewing verbs in the infinitive. Happy listening!
Hoje eu vou sair pra encontrar o amor
Espero a tanto tempo e ainda não rolou
O vento diz que é hoje em meio a multidão
Que eu vou encontrar [...]
Lyrics Practice: Charlie Brown Jr.
Luiz Gonzaga or Gonzagão is one of the most prominent Brazilian folk singers of the 20th century. He popularized Northeastern baião music throughout the country, and much of his music was reproduced by artists such as Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil, Geraldo Vandré, amongst other great Brazilian artists. Baião is the foundation for forró, côco, and [...]
A Vida do Viajante…
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