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Simple sewing solutions for busy women who love to sew.
Rick Rack - Thread Therapy for Sewers
Parelli Natural Horsemanship
Parelli Natural Horsemanship
Short video portraits of some of the women scientists, artists, teachers, technicians and support personnel working in Antarctica. For more information about this project and the work of the women featured in these short video portraits please visit our website,
Women In Antarctica
PowerSHAPE-e is a very powerful, yet easy to use 3D modelling tool. The only limit is your own imagination.
These podcasts will help get you started with PowerSHAPE-e by showing you some of the basic principles of the software. These podcasts cover functions such as simple wireframe sketching, surface creation, filleting and solid modelling., As time goes by we will be adding new tutorials to form a comprehensive library of self-teach materials. If you have particular topics you would like to see covered, please let us know.
You can also get help direct from other users, and share tips and tricks on the Delcam forum at
Delcam PowerShape-e
Informationen und Neuigkeiten zu oose, neuen Büchern und Artikeln, Konferenzen, oose-Seminaren, Kooperationspartnern, Experten-Interviews und Diskussionen und vieles mehr.
oose Informatik-Podcast
This podcast has been created to help everyone in Community Consolidated School District 62 use the Mac OS X operating system. Mac OS X is pronounced "Mac O S ten" [the "X" is used as Roman numeral "ten"]. At the time this podcast was produced (October 2006), District 62 was in transition between Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X. The vast majority of District 62 computers running Mac OS X are running Mac OS X, version 10.4. Eventually, all computers in District 62 will run Mac OS X.
Mac OS X for Your Classroom
Whether it's building your own website or adding some flare to your social network profile, we've got you covered as we go over tips and tricks to help you revive your online presence.
Layout Medics Screencast
Las noticias de una manera ágil y veraz, sólo en Mosaico Informativo. El análisis y el punto de vista a través de EntrelíneasTV, porque la realidad también se ve.
MosaicoTV en lÃnea
Video Reportajes UPRM
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La Oficina de Prensa en colaboración con Circuito Cerrado de Televisión (CCTV) producen reportajes visuales sobre el acontecer del Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez.
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La Oficina de Prensa en colaboración con Circuito Cerrado de Televisión (CCTV) producen reportajes visuales sobre el acontecer del Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez.
Video Reportajes UPRM
El Rayo Verde es una televisión digital del colegio Julio Verne de Torrent, Valencia, donde alumnos y alumnas relatan la vida del colegio desde su punto de vista
El Rayo Verde
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