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Each year, the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference hosts some of the world's most fascinating people: Trusted voices and convention-breaking mavericks, icons and geniuses. These podcasts (also available in audio format) capture the most extraordinary presentations delivered from the TED stage.
TEDTalks (video)
Chinese Consumer Connection hosts Talk of Asian Marketing that focuses on issues most managers don't think about, until it's too late. The cultural gap between Western and Eastern consumers is huge; TAM draws on local experts with decades of experience to give you a POV from the ground, to help you see what consumers are thinking and what marketers need to pay attention to.
CCC Videocast (Video Podcasts)
On these video pages, the emphasis is on dynamic visual possibilities in active language systems --possibilities that arise from interactions and associations between sights, sounds, and textures, on multiple scales in multiple locations. These visual experiments in poetry are Video POAMS (products of acts of making) that explore what happens when the visual is allowed to extend beyond visible text, and when the page is not required to be paper (though it may still exist that way). The Limited Fork Video Anthology features examples of some of the forms of poetry that Limited Fork Poetics enables and encourages. Look for video poams from student and other practitioners (forkers) of Limited Fork Poetics in this frequently updated podcast. Visit the Limited Fork podcast to learn more about Limited Fork Poetics and to see video poams by the mother of Limited Fork Poetics. And for the the sounds of Limited Fork, visit the Limited Fork Music podcast. Many of the soundtracks from the Video Poams are available at the Limited Fork Music podcast.
Limited Fork Video Anthology
Contemporary issues in literacy education, reading comprehension instruction and children's literature are featured. This podcast features presentations by Dr. Frank Serafini, Assistant Professor of Literacy Education and Children's Literature at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, on such critical issues in Literacy Education as: Reading Comprehension Instruction, The Role of Children's Literature in Elementary Reading Instruction, Reading and Writing Workshop Approaches, Classroom Discourse, and Literacy Assessment and Pedagogy.
The Reading Workshop
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SAE Munich Podcast
EwArt Productions gives you fact-filled and entertaining coverage of works of art, artists, and concepts, all "in just a minute." Hosted by art historian Christopher L. C. E. Witcombe.
Art History in Just a Minute
Short animation films and documentaries created by Art+Design students at North Carolina State University College of Design.
Art+Design Animation Podcast
Keynote Presentation: Fred von Lohmann
Higher Education
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Fred von Lohmann — Senior Intellectual Property Attorney, Electronic Frontier Foundation
Keynote Presentation
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Correcting Course: Rebalancing Copyright
James Neal, VP for Information Services University Librarian; Alan Brinkley, University Provost
Opening Remarks
Opening Remarks: James Neal, Alan Brinkley
James Neal, VP for Information Services University Librarian; Alan Brinkley, University Provost
Opening Remarks
Opening Remarks: James Neal, Alan Brinkley
Panelists: June Besek, Bob Oakley
Panel Response: The American Copyright Revolt
Panel Response: The American Copyright Revolt
Presenter: Siva Vaidhyanathan — Dept. of Culture & Communication, New York University
Between Pragmatism and Anarchism: The American Copyright Revolt since 1998
The American Copyright Revolt since 1998
Presenters: Jonathan Band — Partner, Morrison & Foerster LLP, Washington DC
and Mark MacCarthy — Senior Vice President for Public Policy for VISA
Moderator: Adam Eisgrau
Panel Response: Intellectual Property Policy and Politics
Panel Response: Intellectual Property Policy and Politics
Presenters: Jonathan Band — Partner, Morrison & Foerster LLP, Washington DC
and Mark MacCarthy — Senior Vice President for Public Policy for VISA
Intellectual Property Policy and Politics: An Insider's View
Intellectual Property Policy and Politics
Panelists: Kenny Crews, Fred von Lohmann
Panel Response: Fair Use Since the DMCA of 1998
Presenter: Rebecca Tushnet — Law School, New York University
Fair Use Since the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998
Fair Use Since the DMCA of 1998
Panelists: Eve Woodberry, Janice Pilch
Panel Response: Public Interest Exceptions in Copyright
Panel Response: Public Interest Exceptions in Copyright
Presenter: Peter Jaszi — Law School, American University
Public Interest Exceptions in Copyright: A Comparative and International Perspective
Public Interest Exceptions in Copyright
Fred von Lohmann — Senior Intellectual Property Attorney, Electronic Frontier Foundation
Keynote Presentation
Keynote Presentation: Fred von Lohmann
James Neal, VP for Information Services University Librarian; Alan Brinkley, University Provost
Opening Remarks
Opening Remarks: James Neal, Alan Brinkley
Panelists: Jonathan Band, Harald von Hielmcrone Panel Response: Indigenous Knowledge in Libraries and Archives
Panel Response: Indigenous Knowledge in Libraries and Archives
Correcting Course: Rebalancing Copyright
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