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Reading Rockets' interviews with top children's book authors and illustrators are an excellent way to introduce students to those who create books kids know and love. Not just for children, these interviews are also enjoyed by parents, teachers, librarians, and other educators who appreciate the value of children's literature and get a kick out of putting a face and voice to the authors and illustrators whose work we enjoy. These interviews are available from in audio and video formats. To see a transcript from these interviews, to find out more about each author, or to watch the full interview, see Reading Rockets' Books & Authors section.
Meet the Author (Reading Rockets)
Podcast made by COEUS international School Students grades 5 through 10. Here the podcast team shares with work done by the students, news, events and music and travelling adventures at CIS. Coeus International School offers educational opportunities for young learners in grades K-12, with dual-language programs in English and the choice of Arabic, French, Mandarin or Spanish." The mission of Coeus International School is to educate young people to develop intellectual capacity and creativity, cultivate emotional intelligence and healthy relationships, achieve academic excellence and proficiency in world languages, value cultural diversity, and acquire peacemaking skills.
COEUS International school Podcast
The Apple Education Profiles series includes compelling stories about leaders,educators, researchers, and IT professionals using Apple technology to advance teaching and learning in schools, colleges, and universities.
Apple Education
This Video PodCast is all about Math. Our Video PodCast will cover a big range of topics in Elementary Mathematics accessible to the majority of the students with some mathematical inclinations. The Video PodCast will also try to be inspirational for the non mathematically bend. Sometimes problems will be set.
Is All About Math (Video Podcast)
The students, staff, and administration at Longfellow Middle School in La Crosse, Wisconsin share why "life in the middle" is a great place to be!
Life In The Middle
SUPER WHY, the new animated television series on PBS Kids and the interactive website on, helps children ages 3-6 learn key reading skills, including alphabet, rhyming, spelling and reading comprehension, through interactive storybook adventures
Where the stories from the "Land of ROCORI" (ROckville, COld Spring, RIchimond, MN) come alive.
Powers With Negative Exponents Part 1 of 2 - 5:08
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In this video we look at a difficult problem pertaining to Powers with Negative Exponents. This is the first part of a 2 part example.
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Power & Exponents Math PapaPodcasts
KEY CONCEPTS:- Whenever you have an exponent followed by another exponent, keep the base and multiply the two exponents
Exponents Ep. 4 - Power of a Power - 3:56
KEY CONCEPT:ANY power with an exponent of zero, regardless if the BASE of the power is a number or a variable is equal to 1a^0=1999^0=1
Exponents Ep. 3: Zero Exponent - 3:20
KEY CONCEPTS:- when dividing Powers with the same base, subtract the exponents.- bases must be the same in order for you to be able to simplify such expressions
Exponents Ep. 2 - Dividing Powers - 3:08
KEY CONCEPTS:- multiplying powers with the same base, add the exponents.- if bases are NOT the same your CAN'T simplify the expression
Exponents Ep. 1: Multiplying Powers - 6:11
KEY CONCEPTS:- multiplying powers with the same base, add the exponents.- if bases are NOT the same your CAN'T simplify the expression
Exponents Ep. 1: Multiplying Powers - 6:11
KEY CONCEPTS:- multiplying powers with the same base, add the exponents.- if bases are NOT the same your CAN'T simplify the expression
Exponents Ep. 1: Multiplying Powers - 6:11
Scientific Notation Proper Format - 3:06
Converting to Scientific Notation - 7:31
The following video looks at simplifying powers that include a zero exponent.
Powers with Zero Exponent Sample Problem - 1:22
In this video we look at a difficult problem pertaining to Powers with Negative Exponents. This is the second part of a 2 part example.
Powers With Negative Exponents Part 2 of 2 - 6:08
In this video we look at a difficult problem pertaining to Powers with Negative Exponents. This is the first part of a 2 part example.
Powers With Negative Exponents Part 1 of 2 - 5:08
Scientific Notation and Significant Digits - 5:01
Power & Exponents Math PapaPodcasts
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