A deeper look at ODST-- what worked and what didn't in this small-team, short-cycle Bungie experiment that landed with the profile of a fat expansion and the pricetag of a discounted full title.
Show Highlights:
Keep On Truckin'
GamesRadar: 7/10
Was ODST a Good Idea?
Demise of Chronicles
Comes With Beta (or The Crackdown Factor)
Full Game vs Expansion
What Would 343 Do?
What's Good in ODST?
Will it Rain on Reach?
Time Flies
Finding My Way
An Uplifting Preserve
Playing Detective
Clues tTat Work...
...and Those That Don't
Kikowani Station
Mission... Accomplished?
Allowing For Failure
Breaking the Finale
Blowing the Bridge (or not)
Carrots and Sticks
Death From Above
For those wondering, we ambushed Blackstar late at night on his birthday with a 3-hour recording session he wasn't fully prepared for, and that accounts for him being quiet in this episode (that and the fact that I don't know when to shut up). More of his contributions will be in the second half of this episode, which looks ahead to the Multiplayer Beta of Halo Reach.
This is the enhanced AAC version of this podcast.