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Produced and recorded in the studios of Kootenay Co-op Radio in Nelson, British Columbia, Deconstructing Dinner explores food issues that affect you. Join host Jon Steinman and guests as they expose the stories behind our food and discuss more sustainable methods of getting this food into our stomachs. The show is not restricted to only current affairs, but probes into the processes and actions to which we have all become so accustomed throughout our daily routine, and "deconstructs" them to achieve a more discriminating awareness.
Deconstructing Dinner
Victoria & King - The Sexy Soap Opera set in small town Canada (Video Podcast)
Photography podcast & blog discusses photography, digital photography, fine art photography as well as provide tips and techniques to improve your photography.
Photography podcast - photography blog -
Your home for the best in Death metal, Black metal, Thrash, Power Metal and more. Listen for great interviews and CD giveaways.
Vinland Radio
A weekly podcast for the Librivox Community. encourages volunteers to record audio from public domain texts which can then be made available in the public domain.
LibriVox » Librivox Community Podcast
Small musical shows focusing on one artist or group.
Audio Popcorn
Accidental Survivors is a podcast focusing on modern games. While we will often default to d20 Modern, because that is what we are most familiar with, we will try to make our comments and suggestions as generic as possible. Each podcast is going to include any news we feel might be of interest to modern gamers. This news portion will include a quick encapsulation of the story, and then some comments from the hosts regarding applying this to a game, or impact on gamers. Then we'll get into our feature. The feature will be a concept or idea as general as Martial Arts or as specific as the billy-club used as a subdual weapon. We'll discuss our thoughts and ideas regarding the feature topic and how it applies to modern gaming. We'll always have inspiration time, where we'll look at something specific, such as a news story, a book, a movie, and discuss how one can draw inspiration for a campaign.
Accidental Survivors: The Modern Gaming Podcast
Échec d'une entente qui aurait pu régler plusieurs conflits
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Kofi Annan déçu par l'échec de la conférence sur les armes légères
technorati tags:ONU, KofiAnnan, Armes
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Télescope » visionnaires responsables - Baladodiffusion
Téléchargez l'émission en format MP3
Animation : Sophie Paradis
Contenu de l'émission :
Actualités :
Chemin de fer Qinghai-Tibet
Club de foot d'unijambistes
Les dépenses énergétiques des maisons anglaises
Chronique du télescopien Hervé Jodoin :
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Un télescope dans vos oreilles - 20 juin 2006
Téléchargez l'émission en format MP3
Animation : Sophie Paradis
Contenu de l'émission :
Actualités :
Chemin de fer Qinghai-Tibet
Club de foot d'unijambistes
Les dépenses énergétiques des maisons anglaises
Chronique du télescopien Hervé Jodoin :
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Un télescope dans vos oreilles - 20 juin 2006
Téléchargez l'émission en format MP3
Animation : Sophie Paradis
Contenu de l'émission :
Actualités :
Chemin de fer Qinghai-Tibet
Club de foot d'unijambistes
Les dépenses énergétiques des maisons anglaises
Chronique du télescopien Hervé Jodoin :
en lire plus
Un télescope dans vos oreilles - 20 juin 2006
Kofi Annan déçu par l'échec de la conférence sur les armes légères
technorati tags:ONU, KofiAnnan, Armes
Échec d'une entente qui aurait pu régler plusieurs conflits
Télescope » visionnaires responsables - Baladodiffusion
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