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This podcast is a collection of various fairytales released on creative commons nondervitive and non comercial creative commons licesnse 3.0. Please share them with your family or friends if you liek these stories they are only one third of the material created by storyteller Brother Wolf at
Fairytales Forever Podcast
This podcast will present classic old time radio programs from the late 1920's to the early 1960's. Popular shows such as "Suspense," "The Jack Benny Program," "Fibber McGee and Molly," and other comedies and dramas will be heard, but also rare and lesser known shows will be presented. All shows will be of high quality and I pledge that everything you hear will be clean, family-friendly entertainment. Shows won't be cut except for long music fills and tobacco commercials. Why not sit back and listen to America's great radio past? Your comments and requests are appreciated!
Classic Adventures in Radio Entertainment (TM)
Family Theater takes you back to the early days of family radio. With such, programs as Father Knows Best, Life of Riley,Orphan Annie,Archie, and The Family Theater.
Family Theater Podcast
Terry & The Pirates was a action-adventure drama featured realistically drawn adventures in the far east and had a serious bent to it, unlike many of the comics of the day. Terry Lee grew up in the strip opposite characters such as Pat Ryan, the soldier of fortune and "two-fisted journalist", Connie, the coolie and interpreter, and his nemesis, the Dragon Lady. Join us as we listen to every exciting episode of the great radio adventure.
Terry & The Pirates Podcast
The ONLY Harry Potter podcast to bring you interviews with author J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter actors, and much more. We're discussing Deathly Hallows and Order of the Phoenix every week and are continually bringing you the best and most up to date content anywhere. Join us for the fun!
PotterCast: #1 Harry Potter Podcast
Captain Midnight was an undercover name for Jim "Red" Albright, who regularly piloted cargo and passengers. As an undercover agent, Albright was trying to gather information on a gang of criminals. Captain Midnight was constantly trying to stop the plans of the evil Ivan Shark and his daughter Fury. Shark remained as Midnight's evil nemesis throughout the length of the radio run. Captain Midnight was helped in his efforts by Chuck Ramsey, who was a member of his Secret Squadron and Patsy Donovan (later, Joyce Ryan).There was also Ichabod Mudd, Midnight's mechanic. Join each great episode of this
high flying spy and intrigue adventure with the Captain Midnight Adventure Podcast.
Captain Midnight Adventures Podcast
During Mutual Radio broadcast of "The Adventures of Superman", starting in 1945 Superman and Batman, years before their comic book collaborations, really became a functioning team. But largely the team-up of Batman, and Superman provided some time off for an overworked Bud Collyer (Superman). These episodes called for Superman to be occupied elsewhere, and the crime fighting would be handled by Batman. Stacy Harris played Batman in this first team-up with the Man of Steel, and Ronald Liss was Robin. Batman and Robin returned several times over the years, usually with Matt Crowley as Batman and Ronald Liss always played Robin. Now,listen to Batman on the Radio and Movie Serials from the 1940's.
Batman Adventures Podcast
8: Passover: The Story
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Passover: The Story
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Kids Jewish Holidays
Chanukah, part 1, Chanukah Lights.
Podcast 1
Chanukah, part 1, Chanukah Lights.
Podcast 1
The 3 Weeks and Tishah B'av
11: Tishah B'av
10: Shavuot
Lag B'Omer
9: Lag B'Omer
Passover: The Story
8: Passover: The Story
Passover: The Four Questions
7: Passover: The 4 Questions
Podcast 6
Tu B'Shevat
Podcast 5
Tevet and Tzedakah
Podcast 4
Chanukah, part 3, Gelt, Gifts and Goodies.
Podcast 3
Chanukah, part 2, Dreidles.
Podcast 2
Chanukah, part 1, Chanukah Lights.
Podcast 1
Yom Kippur
13: Yom Kippur
Kids Jewish Holidays
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