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Words of War was an anthology of war stories, "told by the men and women who have seen them happen." It was produced in cooperation with the Council on Books in Wartime, promising "stories of the battlefronts, of behind-the-scenes diplomacy, of underground warfare, of the home front, of action on the seas." Each show was to be "a living record of this war and things for which we fought."
Words At War - Stories from WWII
Professional storytellers bring your family a new folktale from a new location each week. Check in on Thursday to hear the Goza family "activate" a story for all ages and report on a new location as they tour the globe performing folktales and classics at schools, libraries and theatres. Comments: 206-202-3976
Activated Stories
How to Eat Supper
APM: How to Eat Supper from The Splendid Table
American Public Media
The ONLY Harry Potter podcast to bring you interviews with author J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter actors, and much more. We're discussing Deathly Hallows and Order of the Phoenix every week and are continually bringing you the best and most up to date content anywhere. Join us for the fun!
PotterCast: #1 Harry Potter Podcast
During Mutual Radio broadcast of "The Adventures of Superman", starting in 1945 Superman and Batman, years before their comic book collaborations, really became a functioning team. But largely the team-up of Batman, and Superman provided some time off for an overworked Bud Collyer (Superman). These episodes called for Superman to be occupied elsewhere, and the crime fighting would be handled by Batman. Stacy Harris played Batman in this first team-up with the Man of Steel, and Ronald Liss was Robin. Batman and Robin returned several times over the years, usually with Matt Crowley as Batman and Ronald Liss always played Robin. Now,listen to Batman on the Radio and Movie Serials from the 1940's.
Batman Adventures Podcast
Sherlock Holmes Adventures was fictional detective of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, who first appeared in publication in 1887. He was devised by British author and doctor Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. A brilliant London-based detective, Holmes is famous for his prowess at using logic and astute observation to solve cases. He is perhaps the most famous fictional detective, and indeed one of the best known and most universally recognizable literary characters. Now available from the very fist episode throughout the life of this great radio show only here, were the oldies are still young!
Sherlock Holmes Adventures Podcast
Boston Blackie is a fictional character who has been on both sides of the law. As originally created by author Jack Boyle, he was a safecracker, a hardened criminal who had served time in a California prison. Prowling the underworld as a detective in adaptations for films, radio and television, the detective Boston Blackie was "an enemy to those who make him an enemy, friend to those who have no friend."
The Boston Blackie radio series, starring Chester Morris, began June 23, 1944, on NBC as a summer replacement for The Amos 'n' Andy Show. Sponsored by Rinso, the series continued until September 15 of that year. Lesley Woods appeared as Blackie's girlfriend Mary Wesley, and Harlow Wilcox was the show's announcer.
On April 11, 1945, Richard Kollmar took over the title role in a radio series syndicated by Frederic W. Ziv to Mutual and other network outlets. Over 200 episodes of this series were produced between 1944 and October 25, 1950. Other sponsors included Lifebuoy Soap, Champagne Velvet beer and R&H beer.
Boston Blackie Podcast; Master Detective
Podcast 5
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Kids Jewish Holidays
Chanukah, part 1, Chanukah Lights.
Podcast 1
Chanukah, part 1, Chanukah Lights.
Podcast 1
The 3 Weeks and Tishah B'av
11: Tishah B'av
10: Shavuot
Lag B'Omer
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Passover: The Story
8: Passover: The Story
Passover: The Four Questions
7: Passover: The 4 Questions
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Tu B'Shevat
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Tevet and Tzedakah
Podcast 4
Chanukah, part 3, Gelt, Gifts and Goodies.
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Chanukah, part 2, Dreidles.
Podcast 2
Chanukah, part 1, Chanukah Lights.
Podcast 1
Yom Kippur
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Kids Jewish Holidays
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