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Final Project - Movie - The 1930's

This is my final movie. I wanted to create a movie that I could use as a jump start into the era of the 1930’s. Its purpose is to grab the attention of my students and inspire them to learn more when we delve deeper into the era. I focused on the two main events that molded the 1930’s, the Great Depression and the Dust Bowls. I used pictures, along with vintage footage of the time, and a personal interview with my grandmother recalling her life during these two dramatic events bringing reality into the era along with moving the past into the present. Changes I made to pictures using Adobe photoshop were generally adding frames, feathering and creating a collage, and adding image effects. For the most part I mainly just added frames to most of the pictures, first the four corners and then a black frame around that. I wanted them to look as though they were from a photo album. In the fifth picture, I used feathering and the elliptical method of creating a collage and combined three pictures in one of families on the road with their possessions. In the eighth and ninth picture I used the layer style of sun faded photo and the image effect of brushing along with framing because I wanted these two pictures to stand out, mothers with children are more dramatic and children would be able to identify to these pictures.
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